Opinions & Columns

Charlie Glass

January 2017 Tractor & Combine Analysis

After the release of our 2017 forecast last November, we have received several communications from readers who seem to have the same question; “What planet are you from?” They did not agree with our forecast and, from the looks of things, they might be right!
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From the Desk of Dave Kanicki

Optimism or False Hope?

The past month and a half has been interesting for North American agriculture. Numerous positive signals have been showing up in various ag segments almost since the beginning of the year. Their duration hasn’t been long enough to classify them as trends or to build solid confidence in the longer term. I don’t know about you, but I’m ready for a little optimism.
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George Russell -Eric Thompson.jpg
People & Profits

Successful Partnerships Take Dreamers & Doers

I am reading — for the second time in a year — Simon Sinek’s book Start with Why, How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action. As I finished a chapter today, Sinek’s words reminded me of the many partnerships between dealership leaders that create great businesses, those who over a long time react well to change and execute well to keep customers, employees, manufacturers and investors happy.
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Dan Crummett
Ahead of the Curve

Economic Benefits of Using Precision Farming

Equipment and farm services dealers who sell the “dollars and cents” benefits of precision farming have some new sales fodder. This includes a pair of USDA reports that look at cost savings and increased returns for corn farmers using information-based production tools on average size operations.
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Kim Schmidt
From the Desk of Kim Schmidt

Would TPP Hurt or Help Farm Equipment Dealers?

Last week, President Trump signed an executive order that pulled the U.S. out of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). It’s important to note that while the trade deal had been negotiated, it had never been ratified. While the executive order makes good on Trump’s campaign promises, I find myself wondering if it’s any good for the U.S. ag economy and more specifically farm equipment dealers. The American Farm Bureau Federation would argue it’s not.
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