Opinions & Columns

To the Point

Making Parts Sales Sexy

"The parts department isn’t a particularly sexy department, so most dealers usually put their focus on the sales department. We haven’t been that way. Parts first is how we look at ourselves.” That’s what one dealer recently told me when I asked him what set his dealership apart. He went on to explain how the parts department is the first priority when it comes to training, showroom space and merchandising.
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From the Desk of Dave Kanicki

What's Happening with New Equipment Inventories?

Almost since the sales of farm machinery began its slide in late 2013 and early 2014, used ag equipment headlines have dominated the industry’s headlines. And rightfully so. Many of the best dealers in North America have said it, “The one thing that will destroy a dealer’s business faster than anything else is an uncontrolled inventory of used equipment.”
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Charlie O'Brien

Don't Overlook Ag's Economic Footprint

As more people are one, two or three generations off the farm, fewer people can share fond memories of visiting or working on their grandparent’s farm. This migration away from farming unfortunately leads to a loss of recognition of how important agriculture is to society and its economic importance to the U.S.
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Kim Schmidt
From the Desk of Kim Schmidt

Do You Adapt to a Changing Customer Base?

Dealer succession planning is a regular topic in the pages of Farm Equipment; in fact we devoted an entire special report and conference to the topic a few years ago. Progressive dealerships have a plan in place or are working on their plan to prepare the next generation of managers and leaders to move the business forward. But, what are you as the dealer doing to prepare your business for the next generation of customers? Anything?
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