Opinions & Columns


Uncertainty in Ag is Not New

We used to say, “All important decisions are made on the basis of insufficient data.” That’s probably not the case these days. In fact, with data coming at us from all angles and every direction, “paralysis by analysis” would seem to be more fitting. What is even more correct is “uncertainty reigns,” but then this is nothing new for agriculture.
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Dig Down to Find Your Grit ... Part 1

Interviews with ag equipment entrepreneurs stoked a fire to deep dive on “grit.” Mike Lessiter studies Dr. Angela Duckworth’s analysis and shares of takeaways in part 1 of this series.
Why is grit important? Because the struggle tells you more about yourself than any easily-found success, and it keeps in perspective that the “burn” of the journey is as important as the finish line.
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Charlie Glass March 2018 photo

June 2018 Tractor & Combine Analysis

The unknown resulting from the current trade negotiations have had a major impact on the positive feelings that existed just a few months ago. Farmers and ranchers are facing reduced incomes coupled with rising interest rates for their necessary operating capital and that does not produce a bright, cheery outlook.
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