Opinions & Columns

Ask the Expert

Can the Secondary Equipment Market Keep Up with the Rising Price of Equipment?

I was curious to see what the price increase has been for combines over the past 3 model changes. I looked through the business system, locating customers who have rolled combines every year, trying to see how pricing has evolved over the last decade. What I found was not all that shocking, but at the same time I have to wonder how long trading the volume of equipment with high used pricing can be sustained.
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People & Profits

Manage Your Employees Like a Successful Sports General Manager Leads His Team

I challenged readers of this column to “Make 2018 the Year of Human Capital Investment.” Training is likely a key part of your human capital investment. Below is a professional perspective on how to make training work and how to make it pay from one of my Machinery Advisors Consortium colleagues, Daniel Surprenant. — George Russell
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3 Questions to Root Out Complacency

One of the benefits of covering an industry like farm equipment is learning from some great business minds. That, and tapping into free consulting in the name of business journalism. I do file away your wisdom from our interviews, and several of you even taken my calls when I’m looking to calibrate our thinking over here. While our industries are different, many of the people challenges are the same, and I will take a sound and trusted lens-adjustment from any corner.
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Kim Schmidt

What Would You Ask the Head of Your OEM?

We’ve hit the road this week heading to Boone, Iowa, for the Farm Progress Show, and it looks like it’s going to be a wet one! In addition to checking out the latest products, our editors are setting up interviews with top management at the 5 major OEMs for a special series we’ll be developing in the coming months.
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