Opinions & Columns


Quantifying Brand Loyalty

We know from experience that farmers can be resolute in their steadfast dedication to certain equipment colors. When we initiated our first Ag Equipment Brand Loyalty study in 2010, we wanted to find out if what we were hearing from dealers and others about farmer brand loyalty was true. So, we surveyed a couple of thousand Midwestern farmers to gauge their feelings about brand loyalty. Are they or aren’t they?
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Mike Lessiter for Social Media
To the Point

What 2020 Has to Teach ...

The only thing that sounds as crazy as offering someone a congratulations in advance of persevering through an ongoing economic crisis is the idea of accepting it. But if you don’t (or attempt to avoid it altogether), you’ll miss what a hardship promises to teach — as well as tomorrow’s reward for having endured it.
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Dave Kanicki

Are You Planning for the ‘Next’ Normal?

“For some organizations, near term survival is the only agenda item. Others are peering through the fog of uncertainty, thinking about how to position themselves once the crisis has passed and things return to normal. The question is, ‘What will normal look like?’ While no one can say how long the crisis will last, what we find on the other side will not look like the normal of recent years.”
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Good to Great Dealership Flywheel — Leveraging Leadership

Coping with COVID-19 – Be Scared & Be Calm

The COVID-19 pandemic has been called a “black swan,” a metaphor for an extremely rare event that is unforeseen, but which can have enormous impacts. Examples of black swans were the 9/11 attacks which had bad impacts, and the development of the internet which has had a generally good impact.
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George Russell
Leadership Lessons

Build a Strong Culture & Leverage Vital Processes

“Culture eats strategy for breakfast” — a quote attributed to management guru Peter Drucker defines the core idea of this spoke. The best plans fail without a strong culture to support them. On the flip side a strong culture means your dealership is more likely to overcome setbacks and changes even without a strong strategy.
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