Opinions & Columns

new Dan Crummett
Ahead of the Curve

Report Outlines Likely Tire Industry Game Changers

Today’s agricultural tires resemble their predecessors in that they are still round and mainly made of rubber. Maintaining a tread and staying inflated may have been enough for years, but modern tire design parameters accounting for soil compaction, improved traction, tread wear, sidewall strength at super-low inflation rates and, increasingly, environmental concerns have permanently changed the way farm equipment engages the soil.
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Kim Schmidt

A New Approach to Tech Recruitment?

Over the last few years when we’ve focused on workforce development — particularly recruiting and training technicians — as a fair amount of focus has been on getting to kids at a younger age or to kids that don’t live on the farm to expose them to the opportunities that exist in agriculture. What if we met those kids where they are already engaged — video games.
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To the Point

Rounding the Corner to 2021

Just within the last few weeks, there’s been plenty to keep one’s attention, both in and outside of the farm economy. For a while up until the first debate, even the presidential election seemed to be fighting for attention. Here’s just a few things we’ve been watching as we put together the final edition of 2020.
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Mike L's headshot for social media
To the Point

Are We Commoditizing Ourselves?

“They’ll know more about the products than I can anyway,” he said. Yet without opportunity to contribute to decisions, it also increases the likelihood that your transaction will become “commoditized.”
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Charlie Glass March 2018 photo

Technological Advances in Agriculture — Looking to the Future

1960 saw changes in farm tractors in styling, increased horsepower and operator comfort that were intended to entice farmers to purchase their next new tractor. Even with all of these modern improvements, those tractors remained essentially a frame with an engine and transmission covered with a sleek sheet metal exterior.
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