Opinions & Columns

To the Point

2020 Challenges Require Steadfast Commitment

There are things within our control in this business (effort, commitment and focus to name a few), and many things that are not. If we needed any reminders, we’ve found them recently: trade wars, the Covid-19 pandemic, falling stock and commodity prices, including trading halts. And then there’s the familiar yet always unpredictable face of Mother Nature.
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To the Point

2020 Challenges Require Steadfast Commitment

There are things within our control in this business (effort, commitment and focus to name a few), and many things that are not. If we’ve needed any reminders, we’ve found them recently: trade wars, Covid-19 pandemic, and falling stock and commodity prices, including two trade halts. And then there’s the familiar yet always unpredictable face of Mother Nature.
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What About Capital Expenditures?

So, we’ve heard a lot from USDA about commodity prices and projected planted acres for 2020, but little or nothing about capital expenditure expectations. It exists but doesn’t capture much attention from much of the ag industry. I suppose this is because most farm spending is dependent on commodity prices.
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