Articles Tagged with ''commodity prices''

Charlie Glass March 2018 photo

June 2018 Tractor & Combine Analysis

The unknown resulting from the current trade negotiations have had a major impact on the positive feelings that existed just a few months ago. Farmers and ranchers are facing reduced incomes coupled with rising interest rates for their necessary operating capital and that does not produce a bright, cheery outlook.
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Conversations in Ag

Farmer Steve Berger Discusses the Future of Agriculture

Steve Berger, a fourth-generation grain and hog producer in southeast Iowa, sat down with Ken Zuckerberg, then a senior research analyst in New York with Rabobank. The conversation provided Zuckerberg, who sees the industry from the perspective of a financial analyst, a chance to go eyeball-to-eyeball with a person in the trenches farming every day in Berger, a 2016 No-Till Innovator of the Year. The talk happened in the lobby at the 2018 National No-Tillage Conference in Louisville.
Steve Berger, a fourth-generation grain and hog producer in southeast Iowa, sat down with Ken Zuckerberg, then a senior research analyst in New York with Rabobank. The conversation provided Zuckerberg, who sees the industry from the perspective of a financial analyst, a chance to go eyeball-to-eyeball with a person in the trenches farming every day in Berger, a 2016 No-Till Innovator of the Year. The talk happened in the lobby at the 2018 National No-Tillage Conference in Louisville.
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