Articles Tagged with ''Dave Kanicki''

From the Desk of Mike Lessiter

Recalling the Past

Much to my wifes dismay, I'm about to hit the road again tomorrow after only a couple nights back home. (OK, to be honest, the only problem is the fact that last weeks bag is still on the floor while I'm packing up another one.)
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Earning the Respect of Your Employees

I've repeated this time and again, but I'm going to say it one more time: the favorite part of my job is talking with farm equipment dealers. The dealers I've visited with during the first part of this year from California to Canada and Montana to Iowa have only reinforced why I'm enjoying this job as much or more than the other three I've held since graduating from college nearly 40 years ago and I've liked each one of them very much.

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From the Desk of Dave Kanicki

Finishing the Year Strong

By the numbers, all signs continue to point to strong finish to the year for farm equipment and agriculture in general. And if you like numbers, here's a few to chew on.
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