Farm Equipment magazine has announced a new content series, "Success With Shortline Machinery." The series, sponsored by Versatile, will feature 2 article postings per month in the first quarter and will distributed through Farm Equipment’s E-WATCH e-newsletter, beginning on January 12.
With a mix of original, staff-written content and some of the most highly-viewed content on the subject from the Farm Equipment archives, the series sheds light on the business models in which a shortline (or specialty) equipment focus is helping dealers satisfy their local customer base. Farm Equipment’s coverage of the various distribution models have included the traditional major-line dealers who’ve found a niche in specialty equipment, independent (short-line only) dealers, and shop/service businesses that have added equipment sales to their offering.
In addition to distribution via the twice-a-month E-WATCH, the articles will also be available at To sign up to receive the FREE E-WATCH e-newsletter, enter your email address below and click "SIGNUP" below.