Farm Equipment


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January 2020 Showcase

Volume: 58
Edition: 1

Conversations in Ag

Farm Equipment editors sat down with individuals touching various aspects of agriculture — among them dealers, farmers, manufacturers, economists and consultants — to moderate conversations about the biggest issues impacting the farm equipment industry.

  • Table of Contents

    Table of Contents

    Special Report

    Conversations in Ag

    Farm Equipment editors sat down with individuals touching various aspects of agriculture — among them dealers, farmers, manufacturers, economists and consultants — to moderate conversations about the biggest issues impacting the farm equipment industry.
    Farm Equipment editors first tackled the Conversations in Ag issue in the June 2018 edition of the magazine. This time around, the project took us across 7 states and 3 countries — covering a total of 15,333 miles — and paired 33 different individuals together to talk.
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    Conversations in Ag

    Shortliners Ask: Is Ag’s Future Autonomous?

    Landoll’s Farm Equipment Sales Manager, Jamie Meier, and Cory Beaujot, manager of Business Development for SeedMaster Mfg. Inc. and DOT Technology Corp., recently sat down to talk trends in ag and what farming will be like in the near future.
    Landoll’s Farm Equipment Sales Manager, Jamie Meier, and Cory Beaujot, manager of Business Development for SeedMaster Mfg. Inc. and DOT Technology Corp., recently sat down to talk trends in ag and what farming will be like in the near future.
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    Conversations in Ag

    Women Add a Different Perspective to the Sales Process

    Anne Salemo and Kathryn Hesebeck have more in common than they first thought sitting down together in Johnson Tractor’s Janesville, Wis., store. Both women came into the farm equipment industry under the wings of their fathers into the family business and both are mothers in a male dominated business. Salemo, CEO of Charter Software, and Hesebeck, a third generation salesperson for Johnson Tractor, a 4-store Case IH dealership, discuss the advantages of being a woman in the dealership business and transitioning a business from one generation to the next.
    Anne Salemo, CEO of Charter Software, and Kathryn Hesebeck, a third generation salesperson for Johnson Tractor, discuss the advantages of being a woman in the dealership business and transitioning a business from one generation to the next.
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    Conversations in Ag

    2 Industries, 1 Problem: Recruiting Technicians

    Former teacher Richard Dugan and Ryan Goertzen, a former college president and current vice president of maintenance workforce development for AAR Corp., a global aerospace company based in Chicago with 60 locations worldwide, sat down during the Equipment Dealers Assn. 2019 Workforce Development Summit in Louisville, Ky., to compare notes on their challenges — and successes — in hiring technicians.
    Former teacher Richard Dugan and Ryan Goertzen, a former college president and current vice president of maintenance workforce development for AAR Corp., a global aerospace company based in Chicago with 60 locations worldwide, sat down during the Equipment Dealers Assn. 2019 Workforce Development Summit in Louisville, Ky., to compare notes on their challenges — and successes — in hiring technicians.
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    Conversations in Ag

    33 Years Later: Lessons Learned Make Today’s Dealers Stronger

    Former International Harvester (IH) executive/dealer Paul Wallem & Case IH North America vice president Scott Harris reflected on the IH and Case merger of 33 years ago and contrasted today’s ag cycle with the early 1980s during a sit-down at the Case IH Experience Center in Racine, Wis. The last time Wallem was in Racine 33 years ago, the ag economy was still reeling after a confluence of stacked-up woes precipitated by President Jimmy Carter’s Russian grain embargo, 22% interest rates, a 6-month IH labor strike and factory-pumping equipment inventories that took dealers 4 years to unload.
    Former International Harvester (IH) executive/dealer Paul Wallem & Case IH North America vice president Scott Harris reflected on the IH and Case merger of 33 years ago and contrasted today’s ag cycle with the early 1980s during a sit-down at the Case IH Experience Center in Racine, Wis.
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    Conversations in Ag

    Hemp’s Future: What Will Happen When the Dust Settles?

    Despite working some 700 miles apart, Bryan Parr of Legacy Hemp and Bob Pearce from the University of Kentucky have a lot in common when it comes to their work in the hemp space. As industry experts and frequent consultants for hemp growers in their areas, Parr and Pearce were able to discuss the current state of the growing hemp industry and how hemp fiber might be the key to hemp’s future as a cash crop.
    Despite working some 700 miles apart, Bryan Parr of Legacy Hemp and Bob Pearce from the University of Kentucky have a lot in common when it comes to their work in the hemp space. As industry experts and frequent consultants for hemp growers in their areas, Parr and Pearce were able to discuss the current state of the growing hemp industry and how hemp fiber might be the key to hemp’s future as a cash crop.
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    Conversations in Ag

    Early Experience & Advantage in European Brands

    Recorded during a 3-hour bus ride between LeMans and Paris, France, two dealer representatives explain the how’s & whys of their decisions to get early starts in selling and servicing European farm machinery and technology such as Claas, Horsch and JCB.
    Recorded during a 3-hour bus ride between LeMans and Paris, France, two dealer representatives explain the how’s & whys of their decisions to get early starts in selling and servicing European farm machinery and technology such as Claas, Horsch and JCB.
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    Conversations in Ag

    Two Sides Examine 2-Step Distribution

    Mark Tibbets of General Implement Distributors and Craig Harthoorn of H&S Manufacturing, sat down during the Equipment Marketing & Distribution Assn. fall meeting to discuss the 2-step distribution model, which has become less common in today’s marketplace. The two executives agree the best manufacturer-distributor relationships work because of honest communication, especially throughout competition and crises.
    Mark Tibbets of General Implement Distributors and Craig Harthoorn of H&S Manufacturing, sat down during the Equipment Marketing & Distribution Assn. fall meeting to discuss the 2-step distribution model, which has become less common in today’s marketplace. The two executives agree the best manufacturer-distributor relationships work because of honest communication, especially throughout competition and crises.
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    Conversations in Ag

    Overcoming Adversity Through Technology & Diversity

    Neil Caskey of the National Corn Growers Assn., sat down with Heather Bruce and Joe Sampson of Osmundson Manufacturing at the November 2019 Farm Equipment Manufacturers Assn. meeting in St. Louis. They discussed the poor weather, unpredictable trade wars and decline in biofuel demand that discomposed the industry in 2019.
    Neil Caskey of the National Corn Growers Assn., sat down with Heather Bruce and Joe Sampson of Osmundson Manufacturing at the November 2019 Farm Equipment Manufacturers Assn. meeting in St. Louis. They discussed the poor weather, unpredictable trade wars and decline in biofuel demand that discomposed the industry in 2019.
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    Conversations in Ag

    Getting Real: Farmers Growing Too Much Corn...

    Ag author and podcast host Damian Mason spoke at the 2019 Moving Iron Summit in Nashville. Following his presentation, Mason sat with Chip Senf of C&B Operations, a 38-store John Deere dealership with locations in 6 states, to dissect some of Mason’s presentation — including how the future of U.S. agriculture may mean growing less corn.
    Ag author and podcast host Damian Mason spoke at the 2019 Moving Iron Summit in Nashville. Following his presentation, Mason sat with Chip Senf of C&B Operations, a 38-store John Deere dealership with locations in 6 states, to dissect some of Mason’s presentation — including how the future of U.S. agriculture may mean growing less corn.
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    Conversations in Ag

    Research: Can It Be a Dealership’s Business?

    An on-farm researcher and iron dealership agronomist share what areas of opportunity exist for machinery dealers to prove out methods of independent seed and chemical sales.
    Marion Calmer and Mark Truster sat down during the National No-Tillage Conference to discuss the natural intersection — and blurred lines — between agronomic research and equipment sales, along with opportunities for today's evolving machinery dealer to reduce the risk of assumption based investments by farm customers.
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    Conversations in Ag

    Dealer Structures: Europe, North America a World Apart

    European dealers differ vastly from their counterparts in many ways, particularly in the concentration of dealers and sizes of the farms they serve. This meeting with a European dealer-principal and a manufacturing exec from a large multinational company showed how data challenge debates exist everywhere, and that dealer-manufacturer relations remain critical, and remain more art that science.
    On Day 2 of Farm Equipment’s trip to Agritechnica, Erik Hogervorst, owner of Wout Hogervorst V.O.F.. dealership in the Netherlands, and president of CLIMMAR (European dealer association) and Eric Raby, president/GM-Sales of Claas North America gathered in Hall 9.
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    Conversations in Ag

    Trading Places: Farmer vs. Dealer Expectations

    Colorado farmer Todd Olander and Iowa dealer Kendall Havran had to travel 4,700 miles away to meet one another (at Germany’s 2019 Agritechnica), but they learned of each other’s unique role, and the importance of shared expectations. The pair spoke candidly about what farmers and dealers can do together to optimize their relationship and success.
    Colorado farmer Todd Olander and Iowa dealer Kendall Havran had to travel 4,700 miles away to meet one another (at Germany’s 2019 Agritechnica), but they learned of each other’s unique role, and the importance of shared expectations. The pair spoke candidly about what farmers and dealers can do together to optimize their relationship and success.
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    Conversations in Ag

    Dealer & Economist Compare Notes on Challenges Global Economy has on U.S. Agriculture

    RDO Equipment’s Director of International Sales, Olga Hall, and Will Sawyer, lead economist on animal protein with CoBank, discuss the challenges — and opportunities — the global economy has for agriculture from African Swine Fever to trade disputes and exporting used equipment overseas. The two sat down to talk during a break at the Moving Iron Summit, where Sawyer was a speaker.
    RDO Equipment’s Director of International Sales, Olga Hall, and Will Sawyer, lead economist on animal protein with CoBank, discuss the challenges — and opportunities — the global economy has for agriculture from African Swine Fever to trade disputes and exporting used equipment overseas. The two sat down to talk during a break at the Moving Iron Summit, where Sawyer was a speaker.
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    Conversations in Ag

    Avoiding Hefty Fines When Doing Business Out of State

    A changing landscape of state and municipal legislation regarding collecting and remitting out-of-state sales and income taxes could cost you if you don’t comply.
    Rex Collins, principal at HBK CPAs & Consultants, and Tim Berman, a former dealership owner who is now innovation manager at Constellation Software, discussed the issue when they met up recently at GIE+Expo in Louisville, Ky.
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    Conversations in Ag

    Thinking Ahead: How Should Dealers Prepare A Succession Plan?

    Wayne Ostermeyer, president of Ostermeyer Equipment, a Vermeer dealer in Shelton, Neb., and Andy Goodman, president of the Iowa-Nebraska Equipment Dealers Assn. both have first-hand experience in navigating dealership succession. The two industry veterans sat down at Husker Harvest Days in Grand Island, Neb. to discuss what dealers need to do to not just survive but thrive though a dealership succession.
    Two industry veterans, Wayne Ostermeyer, president of Ostermeyer Equipment, and Andy Goodman, president of the Iowa-Nebraska Equipment Dealers Assn., sat down at Husker Harvest Days in Grand Island, Neb. to discuss what dealers need to do to not just survive but thrive though a dealership succession.
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    Dan Crummett

    Ahead of the Curve: Planting with Water-Jet Technology

    Increasing interest in cover-crop farming across North America has a Canadian firm busy testing high-pressure water jet technology as a way to enable planters to cut through substantial amounts of residue without disturbing the soil.
    Canadian firm developing ultra-high-pressure water jet system for planting through heavy residues and in hard soils with little soil disturbance. Look for possible retrofit kits for popular planters.
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    Conversations in Ag

    Farm Equipment editors sat down with individuals touching various aspects of agriculture — among them dealers, farmers, manufacturers, economists and consultants — to moderate conversations about the biggest issues impacting the farm equipment industry.
    Farm Equipment editors first tackled the Conversations in Ag issue in the June 2018 edition of the magazine. This time around, the project took us across 7 states and 3 countries — covering a total of 15,333 miles — and paired 33 different individuals together to talk.
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