Mike Lessiter

Mike Lessiter

A second-generation ag journalist, Mike Lessiter has been Editor/Publisher of Farm Equipment since 2004. He has covered business-to-business operations, manufacturing and marketing topics since 1992. He has also served in several capacities with the Farm Equipment Manufacturers Assn., Assn. of Equipment Manufacturers and is a frequent industry speaker. A graduate of the University of Wisconsin, he was named president of Lessiter Publications Inc. in 2007.

Contact: mlessiter@lessitermedia.com


Conversations in Ag

Farmer Steve Berger Discusses the Future of Agriculture

Steve Berger, a fourth-generation grain and hog producer in southeast Iowa, sat down with Ken Zuckerberg, then a senior research analyst in New York with Rabobank. The conversation provided Zuckerberg, who sees the industry from the perspective of a financial analyst, a chance to go eyeball-to-eyeball with a person in the trenches farming every day in Berger, a 2016 No-Till Innovator of the Year. The talk happened in the lobby at the 2018 National No-Tillage Conference in Louisville.
Steve Berger, a fourth-generation grain and hog producer in southeast Iowa, sat down with Ken Zuckerberg, then a senior research analyst in New York with Rabobank. The conversation provided Zuckerberg, who sees the industry from the perspective of a financial analyst, a chance to go eyeball-to-eyeball with a person in the trenches farming every day in Berger, a 2016 No-Till Innovator of the Year. The talk happened in the lobby at the 2018 National No-Tillage Conference in Louisville.
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Conversations in Ag

Kentucky Grain Producer and Case IH Dealer Discuss Farm Equipment Brand Loyalties

Kentucky grain producer Joe Sisk and Jeff Morgan, H&R Agri-Power (Case IH dealer) share views into each other’s world and why they have not yet consummated a high-ticket deal for Sisk’s 5,000-acre operation, which remains 100% green on combines and tractors. As soon as they sat down, Sisk (45) reminded Morgan (53) that he’d been his tractor engine instructor in 4H 33 years earlier. Morgan remembered the class and the curriculum (“intake, compression, power and exhaust”) but hadn’t realized Sisk had been in the class.
Kentucky grain producer Joe Sisk and Jeff Morgan, H&R Agri-Power (Case IH dealer) share views into each other’s world and why they have not yet consummated a high-ticket deal for Sisk’s 5,000-acre operation, which remains 100% green on combines and tractors. As soon as they sat down, Sisk (45) reminded Morgan (53) that he’d been his tractor engine instructor in 4H 33 years earlier. Morgan remembered the class and the curriculum (“intake, compression, power and exhaust”) but hadn’t realized Sisk had been in the class.
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Conversations in Ag

Deere and Case IH Dealers Compete in Janesville

In mid-April, Chris Frodel, Mid-State Equipment (John Deere) drove over from her store to meet in the conference room at Johnson Tractor (Case IH), Leo Johnson’s store. The length of Frodel’s drive on Highway 14 was a full 4 minutes. That’s how close these two dealerships are in the rich agricultural region of Janesville, Wis. Both are second-generation dealers with siblings as partners (Chris runs the business with her brother Bryan and father Curt Hanson, while Leo does the same with brother Eric) and steadily collected additional stores from small-operation origins. Frodel (44) and Johnson (62) also found a lot of similarities and values in their businesses as they dug in for a candid discussion and what the future may look like.
In mid-April, Chris Frodel, Mid-State Equipment (John Deere) drove over from her store to meet in the conference room at Johnson Tractor (Case IH), Leo Johnson’s store. The length of Frodel’s drive on Highway 14 was a full 4 minutes. That’s how close these two dealerships are in the rich agricultural region of Janesville, Wis.
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To The Point: A New-Era Hybrid Position?

As our small company grew and org charts were redefined, sales management was off-loaded from my plate last year to create more capacity for strategy and vision. And probably not unlike transitions at your dealerships, I work hard every day not to stick my nose back in. Michael Ellis, director of sales, is managing me through the weaning stage.
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A New-Era Hybrid Position?

Look at the traditional sales positions in your company. What if the job could be redefined so that the sale was an outcome of activity — and not the job itself?
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Precision Farming Dealer Summit

Precision Success Only as Good as Your Internal Training

Richins & Finley, the managers heading up the precision farming efforts at Stotz Equipment (John Deere) and Mazergroup (New Holland), share the components of their internal training systems to equip staff for success.
Staff training was part of nearly every discussion at the 2018 Precision Farming Dealer Summit in Louisville. Precision is where things are moving fastest, and the expectations of farmers and the dealership itself (both equally unrealistic at times) and the firefighting at planting and harvest require highly structured processes and duties.
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Case IH Dealer Network Series Update

A Look at Case IH Network of Tomorrow

Part 6: In the final installment of this Farm Equipment series, Case IH executives share a forward-looking view of their network of tomorrow, and how they can help dealers who wish to consolidate.
In a mature industry like farm machinery, consolidation has become something we need to deal with ... just like death and taxes. It’s very much like Darwinism and survival of the fittest. It’s not popular with some dealers, manufacturers nor farmers, but this business is “adapt or die.”
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Case IH Dealer Network Series Update

Case IH Puts Teeth into 'Best Practice' Sharing

Part 5: Case IH established a dealer best practices group to open dialog on what works — and doesn’t — in hopes of raising the tide for the entire red network.
During a discussion on where improvement opportunities still exist for both Case IH as a full-line manufacturer and in its dealer network, Melinda Griffin, Case IH Director of Network Development, pointed out a new investment Case IH was making in their dealers in 2018 … a dealer “best practice” group.
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