Articles by Dave Kanicki

From the Desk of Dave Kanicki

High Crop Prices or High Crop Yields?

Last week, while visiting a large farming operation in Michigan, I had the opportunity to ask the brothers who own and operate the 14,000-acre enterprise, if given the choice, what would they prefer, high crop prices or high crop yields?
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2014 Dealership of the Year Award Winner: Godfrey Bros

Single-store dealers who handle John Deere farm equipment are becoming a vanishing breed. Kevin Godfrey knows this. He also knows other small Deere dealers who have been squeezed out of the business to make way for the company's "bigger is better" model for its retailers. He's feeling the pressure and understands the push for larger multi-location dealerships isn't going to go away; it's how Deere wants it.
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From the Desk of Dave Kanicki

Taking a Snapshot of What Dealers are Thinking

If you were to only look at the unit sales numbers that the Assn. of Equipment Manufacturers makes available each month, you might that think that business for farm equipment dealers is looking pretty dismal at the moment. But as I've pointed out many times in the past, things almost always look bad when you compare them to the best years you've ever had.
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From the Desk of Dave Kanicki

Avoiding the Knee-Jerk Reactions of the 1980s

Besides commodity prices and the weather, the topic of land values has probably garnered the most attention from the ag community in recent years (though in recent months "Big Data" seems to be catching up). Of course, anyone who was around in the early 1980s has an instant knee-jerk reaction to almost any news of a slowdown or dropoff in farmland values.
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