Ahead of the Curve

Dan Crummett
Ahead of the Curve

Ag Robotics: Thinking in Smaller Chunks

Take 5 minutes to visit www.dorhoutrd.com and click on “Prospero Robot Overview" (or see video below). In the short video you’ll see a one-off, 6-legged robot that’s capable of walking in a farm field, planting corn in ground not already-seeded, marking the seeded spot and moving on to plant again.
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Dan Crummett
Ahead of the Curve

VR, Moisture Technology Keep Irrigation Viable

Properly used irrigated acres are roughly twice as productive as dryland fields, according to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, but only 20% of the world's cropland is irrigated.
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Dan Crummett
Ahead of the Curve

Multiple Hybrid Planters, Seeders to Debut Soon

Freeing planter mechanisms from chain/clutch drives has opened up a new frontier in variable-rate technology, one which sees several planters going afield this year capable of carrying more than one hybrid and planting them in specific parts of the field according to soil maps and planting conditions.
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Dan Crummett
Ahead of the Curve

Granular Spreaders for Speed & Accuracy

Whether they’re banding with a stream of air or broadcasting off the blades of a spinner, growers and custom applicators working with granular and bulk dry products are looking to cover more ground faster and with more accuracy — it’s all part of increasing productivity and precision.
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Dan Crummett
Ahead of the Curve

Sprayers Get Bigger, But Precision a Priority

Bigger farm sprayers with wider booms continue to generate sales across the U.S. and European farmscape, but farmers and engineers in the nutrient and chemical application business are increasingly taking a serious look at "what comes out of the sprayer" and how best to maximize the effectiveness of that output.
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Dan Crummett
Ahead of the Curve

Sell Tillage Productivity Instead of Tillage Iron

Despite significant moves by growers into no-till and conservation tillage, the market for ground-engaging iron shows no signs of gray hair or long teeth. This is particularly true in regions growing GMO corn and in those areas affected by herbicide-resistant weeds.
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