Ahead of the Curve

Ahead of the Curve

Baler Classification System Compares ‘Apples to Apples’

The marketing and engineering staffs at AGCO spent the last year working together to take the “oranges” out of the “apple and oranges” choices customers make in buying square balers. The result is a classification system that gives customers an idea of a baler’s capabilities — regardless of what size bale they desire.
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Dan Crummett
Ahead of the Curve

Economic Benefits of Using Precision Farming

Equipment and farm services dealers who sell the “dollars and cents” benefits of precision farming have some new sales fodder. This includes a pair of USDA reports that look at cost savings and increased returns for corn farmers using information-based production tools on average size operations.
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Dan Crummett
Ahead of the Curve

Two New Diesel Engine Oils Coming in December

Two years ago in this column, we told you the familiar CJ-4 diesel engine oil category was living on borrowed time as regulators continued to make demands on engine designers to improve fuel economy and reduce CO2 emissions. Today, that prediction is reality with a new CK-4 category, announced for a broad range of off-road equipment and light duty diesel powered pickup trucks.
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Dan Crummett
Ahead of the Curve

Dynamic Pricing Will Change Ag Retail

We’ve heard for years that “information is power” and one needs to look no further than the travel industry to see the effects online commerce has had in the buying and selling of airline tickets and hotel room rentals. Very few people call a travel agent to take care of those things today, whereas 20 years ago, company or independent agents booked nearly all flights and a significant amount of lodging and rental car business.
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Dan Crummett
Ahead of the Curve

New Cover Crop Seeders Invite Dealer Expertise

Recent research by the Conservation Tillage Information Center shows American farmers are beginning to use cover crops in their rotations to conserve moisture, boost yields of subsequent cash crops, fight erosion and add organic matter to their farm fields. With estimates predicting 20 million acres of U.S. cropland to be seeded to cover crops by 2020, the trend amounts to a significant new agronomic enterprise in many areas, even if cover crops are not considered a cash crop.
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