In a recent poll, dealers ranked the budget deficit and the passage of the national budget as the chief issues Congress should be tackling. Farm Equipment readers were asked in a recent poll, “With the 2013 Presidential Inauguration upon us, what issues should top the Congress and country's agenda?” Of approximately 254 dealers, 88.8% ranked the budget deficit as “Most Important” and 11.2% ranked it as “Important.” The national budget followed close behind with 71.3% ranking it “Most Important.” One dealer says, “They need to get the debt under control or we will all be out of business.”
Somewhat surprising, only 47.4% of dealers ranked the passage of the Farm Bill as “Most Important” and 47.8% ranking it “Important” and 4.9% ranking it “Not Important.” Foreign relations policies came in at the bottom of the list with 17.5% of dealers listing it as “Not Important;” however, 63.8% still listed it as an important issue (from the choices of Most Important, Important and Not Important).