May Wes lays claim to being the original manufacturer of “Stalk Stompers” with nearly 40 years of proven experience. The company continues to be attentive to client requests and committed to providing Stalk Stomper product solutions where demand exists. One such unmet need was a solution for the twin row corn application.
In the fall of 2011, May Wes demoed a 14-inch shoe prototype at the Farm Progress Show in Decatur, Ill. Since then, they have optimized and put into production the addition of a 14-inch Quick Disconnect Stalk Stomper shoe alternative to the already existing 9-inch Stalk Stomper combine product offerings. This latest 14-inch Quick Disconnect Stalk Stomper is available and will be a new addition to the upcoming May Wes 2012/13 Catalog or on the web at
The May Wes Stalk Stomper shoes come standard with a 1/4-inch thick Ultra High Molecular Weight (UHMW) Poly liner over thick metal. The poly finish provides an advantage compared to a metal finish for its non-stick surface and resistance to abrasion. The May Wes line of Stalk Stomper products are competitively priced and have the manufacturing capacity to meet high quantity seasonal demands.
The Quick Disconnect Stalk Stompers were released in 2011 and features a design for ease with installing, adjusting and removal. Because of the popularity of this design, May Wes now offers an upgrade package to enable corn head owners with the original Standard mount May Wes Stalk Stomper to make a practical switch to the new Quick Disconnect design.
Learn more about May Wes’s Combine Stalk Stomper products by visiting the website.