Especially one feature of the general purpose wagon convinced our jury.
The GX will handle just about any goods related to farming. That was the main reason why the international jury awarded it with the title FARM MACHINE 2022 in the category of logistics. “You will find a job for it all year round," explains Alexander Brockmann, long term machinery tester and managing editor of traction magazine.
As a first, Krone present a trailer with a floor belt for unloading. When entering the silo, you can dial in the desired distance over which you want to drop your load. The GX then automatically distributes it evenly over that distance – regardless of your forward speed during the process. This feature called ‘ExactUnload‘ has already won the ‘Silver Medal‘ Agritechnica Innovation Award by DLG (German Agricultural Society). It takes a lot of workload out of the subsequent compression of the material.
Tandem or Tridem
The „general purpose wagon“ GX is available as a tandem with 44 square meters or as tridem with a load volume of 52 square meters. Two further innovations are of particular interest to farmers and contractors: When unloading goods such as bales, you can fold away the dosing rollers with the tailgate. And the side walls can be lowered hydraulically by up to 68 cm to avoid deep falls for harvested goods.
FARM MACHINE 2022 – These are this year’s stars in the field
A jury of experts, formed by 14 farming media brands from North America and Europe, award this title biannually during Agritechnica, the world’s leading trade fair on farm equipment. They evaluate equipment in 12 categories from “Tractor XXL“ to “Logistics“. Additionally, farmers, contractors and operators from all over the world voted on their favorite pieces of equipment for the FARM MACHINE 2022 Audience Choice Award. The award is organized by traction magazine.
Find out about the further winners right here from now until March 23, 2022: