Using a 15 inch shank spacing and the Horsch MulchMix points/wings, the Horsch Omnis FT Primary Tillage Tool boasts an agronomic advantage versus wider shank spaced concepts.

With Omnis FT, soil can be tilled down to 10-12 inches and thoroughly across the working width of the machine, giving a fully tilled uniform soil structure for uninhibited root development.

Another key design is the MulchMix system used on the TerraGrip 3 shank trip mechanism. TerraGrip 3 has an 1,800-pound trip load that, as the shank starts to trip over a foreign object, the resistance decreases and trip height increases. This action dramatically reduces wear and tear on the trip mechanism and frame. The MulchMix points engage at a 35-degree angle, providing optimum lifting of soil and maximizing the mixing action.

A wide range of options are available depending on field conditions.

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