Farm Equipment


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September 2018 Sourcebook

Volume: 56
Edition: 7

Special Report: Consolidation Hits All Aspects of Ag Industry

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  • Table of Contents

    Table of Contents

    To The Point

    To The Point: Uncertainty in Ag is Not New

    We used to say, “All important decisions are made on the basis of insufficient data.” That’s probably not the case these days. In fact, with data coming at us from all angles and every direction, “paralysis by analysis” would seem to be more fitting. What is even more correct is “uncertainty reigns,” but then this is nothing new for agriculture.

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    Consolidation Impacts All Aspects of Ag Industry

    Consolidation has hit all aspects of the agriculture industry from farmers, suppliers, manufacturers to dealers and even associations.
    The landscape of the agriculture industry has been changing over the last several years, and is showing no signs of easing up. Consolidation and mergers are redefining the industry. Three mega-mergers on the crop protection and seed industry side of the business have dominated headlines — Dow-DuPont, ChemChina-Syngenta and Bayer-Monsanto.
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    Industry Consolidation Part 1

    Number of U.S. Farms Declines While Size of Farms Increases

    Farm consolidation over the last 3 decades has led to fewer, but larger production farms, while small lifestyle farms have risen in number and will drive demand of small farm equipment.
    Dow and DuPont. Monsanto and Bayer. John Deere and Blue River Technology. AGCO and Precision Planting. In almost every segment of the agriculture industry — from chemical and seed, to farm equipment and technology — consolidation is taking place. And the cause of these major mergers is a direct reflection of what is taking place on the end user side: farm consolidation.
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    Industry Consolidation Part 2

    Manufacturer Consolidation Reshaping the Farm Equipment Marketplace

    Over the last two decades, the agricultural equipment market has seen dramatic change — change that has had a huge impact on farm equipment manufacturers, dealers and customers. In this special report, Farm Equipment takes an in-depth look at the many factors that have been driving industry consolidation through the decades, and what to expect in the years ahead.
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    Industry Consolidation Part 3

    What’s Driving Consolidation Among Farm Equipment Dealers?

    Farmer consolidation and growing capital requirements for dealers has contributed to the need for dealerships to expand and grow.
    All aspects of the ag industry have been consolidating over the last several years, and it seems to have picked up recently. This is no different for farm equipment dealerships. Some of the consolidation is being led by the major equipment manufacturers, some of it is in response to farm consolidation (see “Farms Shrinking in Number, Growing in Size,” page 12), and still some is due to dealer owners exiting the industry.
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    U.S. Farm Equipment Dealership Marketing Expenditures Survey: 2018

    First-Ever Farm Equipment Dealership Marketing Survey Finds Digital Practices Yield Best Returns on Investment

    The most popular response was subscriptions and association memberships, followed by dealer peer groups. The least popular responses were vendor-supplier training and webinars. First of its kind Marketing Expenditures Survey reveals surprises, confirms suspicions for industry practices.
    Many ag equipment dealers have seized on digital marketing opportunities and found them to be very effective tools as part of their overall marketing efforts, according to the findings of a first of its kind marketing survey.
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    Ahead of the Curve

    Written-Pole Electric Motors Provide 100 Horsepower Ratings on Single-Phase Utility Power

    The high cost of installing three-phase electrical service to rural areas, whether for irrigation pumps or grain-handling motors, may not be as necessary as commonly thought thanks to the maturing of an electrical-engineering concept developed over the past 25 years.
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    Ask the Expert

    The Dealership of Tomorrow: Who Will be the "New" Equipment Buyer?

    This is an exciting time in the farm equipment business. There is a generational paradigm shift happening both with ag equipment dealers and the producers. Retiring producers and those that have gone out of business have left the door open to expansion. Across North America, the demand for technology, specialized product knowledge, and the decreasing number of producers has led to greater dealership consolidation. In order to create economies of scale, both sides will continue to grow. So what does this mean and how will it effect each other’s business? In my opinion, the next 5 years will have such a dramatic change the industry will be unrecognizable.
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  • Featured Articles

    Featured Articles

    Industry Consolidation Part 1

    Number of U.S. Farms Declines While Size of Farms Increases

    Farm consolidation over the last 3 decades has led to fewer, but larger production farms, while small lifestyle farms have risen in number and will drive demand of small farm equipment.
    Dow and DuPont. Monsanto and Bayer. John Deere and Blue River Technology. AGCO and Precision Planting. In almost every segment of the agriculture industry — from chemical and seed, to farm equipment and technology — consolidation is taking place. And the cause of these major mergers is a direct reflection of what is taking place on the end user side: farm consolidation.
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    Industry Consolidation Part 2

    Manufacturer Consolidation Reshaping the Farm Equipment Marketplace

    Over the last two decades, the agricultural equipment market has seen dramatic change — change that has had a huge impact on farm equipment manufacturers, dealers and customers. In this special report, Farm Equipment takes an in-depth look at the many factors that have been driving industry consolidation through the decades, and what to expect in the years ahead.
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    Industry Consolidation Part 3

    What’s Driving Consolidation Among Farm Equipment Dealers?

    Farmer consolidation and growing capital requirements for dealers has contributed to the need for dealerships to expand and grow.
    All aspects of the ag industry have been consolidating over the last several years, and it seems to have picked up recently. This is no different for farm equipment dealerships. Some of the consolidation is being led by the major equipment manufacturers, some of it is in response to farm consolidation (see “Farms Shrinking in Number, Growing in Size,” page 12), and still some is due to dealer owners exiting the industry.
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