Items Tagged with 'brand loyalty survey'



‘Producer-First’ Partners to be Mantra of New Case IH Exec

After 12 years of dealers (partners as Scott Harris calls them) accustomed to the same personality at the top, Harris bring a familiar yet fresh approach as the new leader of Case IH Agriculture’s North American dealer network.
In this year’s series, the third such project Farm Equipment (FE) has done since 2006, Scott Harris is the newest exec we’ve sat down with and mic’d up, having just 8 months on the job. In the 14 years our company has operated FE magazine, Case IH has shown the greatest interest of all the major lines in the relationship with FE editors and the publication’s position in the dealer universe. (That isn’t to say the coverage pleased them, but dialog and the ability to pick up the phone with our staff has been important to Case IH).
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Brand Loyalty Part 4: New Holland: No Gain, No Loss

Compared to the first brand loyalty study in 2011, New Holland has made great progress in cementing the allegiance of their farm customers. In that year, only 44% of farmers who considered New Holland as their primary brand of equipment said they were loyal. That grew by 19%, to 63% who declared themselves “brand loyal” in 2014. And that’s where it remains today, according to the results of Farm Equipment’s 2017 survey.

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Brand Loyalty Part 3: Farmers & Dealers Differ on the Direction of Brand Loyalty

Most dealers suggest a decrease in manufacturer commitment within their customer base, which can help or hinder business to an unprecedented degree.
In addition to surveying farmers, dealers were called to share their perceptions on brand loyalty, and similar to Farm Equipment’s 2014 results on the same topic, dealers and farmers disagreed more often than not on the level of customer loyalty to a specific manufacturer.
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Brand Loyalty Part 1: Most Farmers Still Loyal to ‘Their’ Brand

Like the results of the brand loyalty studies conducted in 2011 and 2014, this more recent survey again demonstrates that farmer brand loyalty is alive and well in the ag equipment business — and much of it is built on customer loyalty to the dealer.
Traditionally, farmers are known to be dogged loyal to and identify closely with certain “colors” when it comes to the brand of equipment they purchase. To emphasize the competitive nature of the farm machinery business, not too awfully long ago, it was common to see signs in dealerships that read, “Friends don’t let friends drive red tractors” or “green tractors,” whatever the case may be. It wasn’t at all unusual to hear farmers brag about the superiority of their preferred brand of machinery.
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