Kraig Schulz

Kraig Schulz

Kraig Schulz is the CEO and president of Autonomous Tractor Corp., based in Fargo, N.D., and has spent more than 15 years consulting with bio-science companies on commercialization of innovative technologies. After 10 years of research and development, he co-founded ATC in 2012 to develop and deliver autonomous ag technology. He sees the future of autonomy in farming as semi-autonomous. “Autonomy is coming, but most people don’t really understand what it means. It is more than just steering because we must manage not just the tractor, but the implement,” he says. “But a computer will not be a famer on day one so we must think about beginning an autonomous program as if we have a new, young, hired hand on the farm that needs training. What operations, will we start with and how will we know the system is getting better over time?”


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