Articles Tagged with ''drought''

To The Point: A Good Year If ...

From my experience in manufacturing, I always found it just as difficult, if not more so, coming out of a recession then it is going into it. From what farm equipment dealers tell me, the same is true when agriculture goes into or comes out of a significant weather event like this year's Midwest drought.
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Dealer Business Trends & Outlook: Dealers Confident But Guarded About 2013

It wasn't that long ago that the dealers we spoke with weren't feeling at all certain about their business prospects for the year ahead. Many of their customers who were most impacted by the 2012 drought were in a "bad mood" as they watched their crops wither in the field. Talking about buying new ag equipment wasn't high on their list of priorities.
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To The Point: The Risk-Reward of Farming

Since much of what we're reading these days is about the drought of 2012 and its impact on commodity prices and ultimately its effect on food prices, I am reminded of the risk-reward tradeoff I learned about back in my college days. It makes me wonder why no one pays much attention to the risk? side of the equation. According to the risk-return tradeoff, you must spend money to make money. Or more correctly, it says reinvested money can render higher profits only if it is subject to the possibility of being lost.?
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Special Report: How the Weather is Changing Agriculture

Whether it's too wet, too dry or perfect for producing a bumper harvest, weather is a front-of-mind issue every growing season for anyone and everyone involved in agriculture. Every farmer, rancher, farm equipment dealer, ag equipment manufacturer and commodity trader frets and/or rejoices about the weather every growing season. When it comes to emotions and farming, there's not a lot of in-between.

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Special Report: Weather

Weather Patterns Affect Farmers' Equipment Purchasing Decisions

According to a recent survey of U.S. farmers, two-thirds of them believe the weather is becoming more volatile throughout the major growing regions of the U.S. As a result, some farmers are purchasing equipment they believe will help them adapt to the changing weather patterns. At the same time, some farmers say they delayed equipment purchases due to the drought this year.
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Special Report: Weather: Battling Drought with Systems-Based Approach

The combination of biotech traits, genetics and agronomic practices all work together to help mitigate drought risk, according to Chan Mazour, director of Monsanto's Gothenburg Water Utilization Learning Center. "Something like 90% of the country will experience drought at some point during the growing season,"? he says. "If I was a farmer, my strategy would be to make every good decision I can from genetics, biotech and an agronomic standpoint to protect myself as much as possible if drought sets in."
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