According to the Crop Progress report issued yesterday by USDA, corn conditions remained unchanged vs. the previous week. Both corn and soybean harvests are behind the historical 5 year averages. 

As of September 29, 2013, 16% of the corn crop was in poor or very poor condition, unchanged from last week. Corn in good or excellent condition was 55%, unchanged from last week. Matured corn was at 63%, 7% behind the 5 year average. Corn that has been harvested was at 12%, behind last year's pace of 52%.

Soybean condition was 15% in poor or very poor condition, a 2% decrease from last week. Soybeans in good or excellent condition was 53%, an increase of 3% from last week. Soybeans dropping leaves were at 67%, compared to 83% last year at this time. A total of 11% of the soybean crop has been harvested, 9% behind the 5 year average.

Winter Wheat planted as of September 29, 2013 was 39%, only a percentage point behind the 5 year average, while 12% of the winter wheat crop has emerged, unchanged from last year at this time.

December futures for corn ended the week at $4.41 per bushel, a 2.6% decline from last week. November soybeans ended the week at $12.82, a 1.9% decrease from last week, and December wheat ended the week at $6.78, a 3.8% increase from last week. Year-to-year corn prices are down 41.7%, soybeans are down 17.8%, and wheat is down 23.3%.