Mahindra introduced several new tractor models at its National Dealer Meeting Feb. 3-5 in Fort Worth, Texas, including cab models that could allow the company to push into new markets.
The new tractors also featured Mahindra USA’s new red-on-black logo. Black will replace gray on the tractor’s chassis.
The new 3616 HST cab tractor generated a lot of buzz when it was unveiled under a large white tent in downtown Fort Worth for dealers. The cab model was built to cater to the American market.
Fritzmeier Cab of Germany built the cab for the new 8560 cab model, which puts Mahindra solidly into the hay-and-forage market and allows the company to be more aggressive in Canadian markets, Hilderbrand says. Fritzmeier is opening an assembly plant next to Mahindra’s in Mumbai, India.
“The cab models will help with our hay producers. It will keep the dust off of them in the summer time,” said George Holder, dealer principal for David Self Tractors in Buna, Texas.
Mahindra 3616 Heavy Duty 4WD Tractor
3-cylinder engine, 36 hp and 8x8 synchro shuttle transmission
Mahindra 4530 4WD Tractor
3-cyl. engine, 42 hp, lifts nearly 4,000 lb.
Mahindra 5035 4WD Tractor
Features 4-cyl. engine, 49.5 hp, 12x12 synchro shuttle transmission, 3,090 lb. lift capacity
Mahindra 8560 4WD Cab Tractor
Turbo-charged, 12 forward-12 reverse fully synchronized transmission, heavy operating weight, 5,500 lb. lift capacity, 4-cyl. engine, 83 engine hp, 70 pto hp.
Mahindra 3616 HST Cab Tractor
Turbo-charged, indirect injection diesel engine, 3-range slidingmesh, wide
stance for stability and traction, 3 cyl., 36 hp engine, 2,646 lb. lift capacity, 29 pto hp, heavy-duty construction.
Mahindra 3535 4WD Tractor
3-cyl. engine, forward-reverse synchro transmission with shuttle shift, powerful hydraulics, cast-iron chassis and high breakout force.
Mahindra 4535 4WD Tractor
3-cyl. engine, forward-reverse synchro transmission with shuttle shift, powerful hydraulics, cast-iron chassis.
2008 President’s Awards
Sales Excellence — Bill’s Tractor, San Antonio, Texas (Bill Bailes)
Rookie of the Year — Kiefer Implement, Medina, Ohio (James Kiefer)
Customer Focus — Tractor Pro, St. Albans, West Virginia (Dale Davis)
Service Excellence — Tatum Motor Co., Anderson, Mo. (Paul and Bettejo Vigano)
2009 President’s Awards
Service Excellence — Straub International, Great Bend, Kan. (Ronald Straub and Bill Schaben)
Customer Focus — Dave’s Tractor, Red Bluff, Calif. (Dave Siemens)
Rookie of the Year — Riverside Logging, Leesville, La. (Billy Herrington)
Sales Excellence — Tatum Motor Co., Anderson, Mo. (Paul and Bettejo Vigano)