This page lists material that supplements the October/November 2020 issue of Farm Equipment.

It's Just the End of the Beginning

Executive editor Dave Kanicki gives his last farewells in his retirement note after being with Lessiter Media (formerly Lessiter Publications) since 2005.

Industry Q&A: What Would You Have Done Differently in 2020?

If you could go back a year ago today, knowing everything that would unfold in farming and the economy in 2020, what would you have done differently in your business?

Dealership Minds Summit

The Dealership Minds Summit features collaborative, dealer-to-dealer learning over a 2-day, knowledge-packed agenda that is guaranteed to give you authoritative strategies from the most progressive minds at farm equipment dealers. Find additional Dealer Minds content below...

7 Tips for a Successful Dealer Auction

  • Doing your research when it comes to auction companies, setting realistic expectations and selling a mix of farm equipment inventory are just a few recommended tactics. Click here to view more tips for a successful dealer auction.

What Should Influence Your Used Valuations?

  • As part of his recent presentation at the 2020 Virtual Dealership Minds Summit, Trent Hummel, consultant and trainer with the Western Equipment Dealers Assn.’s (WEDA) Dealer Institute, showcased a series of studies conducted with Farm Equipment in which surveyed dealers were asked what influences their valuations of used equipment. See what conclusions Hummel came to in his studies here.

Farm Equipment Multimedia

Farm Equipment offers an extensive multimedia collection of content, including industry interviews, conference coverage, and new products, as well as informational webinars, podcasts, product reviews and more!

Farm Equipment’s Best of the Web

Each day, Farm Equipment editors encounter a variety of articles, social media posts, podcasts and videos that offer a unique look at various aspects of our great farm machinery industry. We’re now aggregating our favorite content for “Best of the Web This Week” to share with you.