From this interview recorded at the founder’s most modest (and now historic) ranch home in Pella, Iowa, you’ll hear a fascinating story of a tinkering farmer who revolutionized an entire industry -- after seeing his neighbor so frustrated by putting up hay that he was going to sell his cattle herd. His early 1970s invention of the large round baler changed haymaking -- and set the table for what today is a $1 billion-plus global leader with 3,200 employees.
The interview includes second generation Bob Vermeer and Mary Andringa, and third generation Jason Andringa and Mindi Vanden Bosch. You’ll hear perspectives from each about the early days and how, after enormous periods of growth following other downturns in the business, the company has continued to innovate and expand, including another doubling of the business in the last 20 years. And with a startling number of 70 family shareholders, the systems and expectations that the family established to ensure Gary’s vision would be fulfilled for a business that would remain agile, innovative and aggressive, and without entitlements.
Be sure to hang in for the special bonus interview at the end on the devastating tornado that surprised everyone during the company’s 70th anniversary, and how they went to work on 30-day timeline to keep going despite a loss of 30% of their manufacturing capacity.
Farm Equipment‘s How We Did It podcast is brought to you by Osmundson.
From our made in America steel to our made in America process, we are proud to stamp Made in the USA on every part we manufacture. Osmundson blades use a boron based steel grade exclusively designed for quality, durability and impact resistance throughout the life of the part. Each raw element and steel chemistry is carefully measured, analyzed and calculated to ensure consistency 100% of the time. We use United States steel, which sets the standard for quality, performance and innovation that the rest of the world continues to follow. Our blades are put to the test in every field condition in every continent of the world. Our vast variety of sizes, shapes and thicknesses meet and exceed the specific needs of each end user. The Osmundson blade is committed to manufacturing with strength, pride and innovation. Visit
Music: Josh Woodward - Golden Sunrise (Instrumental Version)