In a conversation representing dealers, software specialists and farmers from across the globe, this roundtable during the Precision Farming Dealer Summit, Jan. 8-9, discussed several digital-based topics: the potential of converting ag data into profit, how to position farm data into a billable format for dealers, and how to communicate that value to the farmers.

One dealer stresses the importance of ROI when selling the potential of data to farmers, specifically the dollars and cents that can be made through investing.

“Farmers want proven results for the future, guaranteeing an improvement to their bottom line by investing in data,” one attendee says. “They don’t care nearly as much about the flashy gadgets or features that come with it.”

Another issue several dealers noted was that some farmers recognized the value of data, but don’t necessarily make the best effort to turn around and provide it, leading to an abundance of ‘junk data’. These concerns prompted suggestions for how to avoid missed opportunities and clean up data, bringing several billing strategies to the forefront. One dealer suggested having an hourly billable approach to cleaning up data, noting favorable returns in doing so over the past year.

The roundtable concluded with a discussion on understanding the varying tendencies within a dealership’s customer base to solidify a sales pitch.

“Before you go and try to sell this data as an added value, understand and segment your customer base. Take note of their risk aversions, ultimate goals for their farm and then also what is their own potential for using these digital tools within agriculture,” one attendee says. “In doing so, you’ll be reaching out to the top prospects for taking advantage of the ease of data in agriculture.”



Roundtable Discussion Topics

Candid Dealer-to-Dealer Roundtable Coverage

Collaborators Not Competitors: Establishing an External Precision Support Network

Make Service a Priority with Every Sale

Reboot or Recycle? Strategies for Selling & Servicing Used Technology

Building Your Precision Brand

Reducing Confusion & Improving Communication to Create Agronomic Service Opportunities

How to Organize a Successful Precision Field Day

Turning Digital Ag Potential into Profit (currently viewing)

Selling Precision Products Based on Proof vs. Projections

What is the Real ROI Behind UAVs?




March 2018 Issue Contents