The Equipment Dealers Assn. (EDA) is preparing to conduct its annual Dealer-Manufacturer Relations Survey. The survey asks equipment dealers to rate the manufacturers that they represent in important categories regarding Products (quality, availability, tech support), Parts (availability, quality, return policy), Communication, Warranty and Marketing/Advertising support. Responses are compiled anonymously and distributed to EDA dealer members and all manufacturers who received a sufficient number of ratings for inclusion in the report.
“Last year, ratings for 58 equipment manufacturers were collected from more than 9,300 individuals representing almost 2,400 dealerships — all significant increases compared to the previous year,” says Joe Dykes, VP of Industry Relations. “The improved participation was largely due to the support of over 30 companies who provided us their dealer list for survey distribution.”
With increased participation every year since the survey’s inception and statistically sound response totals, Dykes says EDA subscribes to the “more is better” philosophy. “The more responses we receive, the better the data and results. Many equipment dealers in North America are members of EDA, but we also want to reach those who are not with the survey.”
EDA is requesting manufacturers’ assistance in the two ways:
- Provide your company’s dealer list. The list will be used strictly for survey purposes. The deadline for submitting the list is January 10, 2018.
- Encourage your dealers to participate in the EDA Dealer Manufacturer Survey, which will be conducted in February.
In addition to the standard report, manufacturers who are members of EDA can request additional survey statistical data, breakouts and dealer comments as a member benefit.
For more on how to participate in the survey distribution, contact Joe Dykes at 636-349-6205 or