Now is the time to improve and evolve your customer relationships.
This 17-page eGuide “Leading-Edge Industry Says CRM is Your MVP” shares how you can gather some of the most valuable knowledge on building customer relationships, and it’s FREE!
Dear Ag Equipment Dealers,
Dealers and their customer bases are consolidating. New customers with different purchasing patterns are emerging. Progressive Ag equipment dealers must react or risk losing key customers to unnecessary mistakes.
That’s why it’s so vital to understand how to build good customer relationships. There are fewer customers out there with so many dealer customer bases’ consolidating. And these post-internet customers have a different way of doing their purchasing.
Dealers want good information that will help them build good, long-lasting customer relationships. Investing money into the wrong marketing and advertising can be costly and end up driving away customers if done wrong, rather than brining new ones in. Plus, a good marketing strategy can build on customer relationships you already have and prove your dealership cares about what they want.
That is why we sent Mike Wiles, a veteran dealer, to the Digital Dealer Conference – a marketing strategy conference for auto dealers. He detailed his experiences on building good customer relationships into a special 17-page eGuide download – and we’ve made it absolutely FREE – so that you can have these insightful techniques at your fingertips.
“Leading-Edge Industry Says CRM is Your MVP” is the most practical and productive advice on building and growing good customer relationships, understanding new buyer patterns and making the most of your dollars invested into marketing and advertising. It’s simple, straightforward and extremely useful in today’s world. In fact, this eGuide is designed to help you….
- Understand the ‘zero moment of truth’ and the difference it could make between a customer purchasing something at your dealership or never visiting.
- Learn more about the three primary buying behaviors that have evolved in customers today.
- Discover CRM and how its tools can help your dealership collect valuable insights on current and prospective customers.
- Secure knowledge on how to reach potential customers with relevant product information.
- Start shifting your company’s culture to really understand the new customer.
Equip yourself with the most detailed advice from an experienced dealer who has been in the business for 20 years. This eGuide will tell you how to communicate effectively and efficiently with customers today. Consider this:
- Buyers are willing to share their contact information in return for receiving relevant marketing information, unless they receive offers that don’t pertain to them, in which the unwritten agreement is broken and they tend to ignore future contact.
- The customer service expectation of the buying public is very high. They want their emails requesting more information be answered immediately and that websites are stockpiled with photos and up-to-date information.
We know that you have a lot on your plate. But downloading this short, concise and FREE eGuide can only help your dealership business.
Farm Equipment is dedicated entirely to helping dealers understand the trends, tools and technology needed to build and grow their current customer base. Our editors make it their job to know what new customers want, and to help progressive dealers improve their operations to secure them. Did you know…
10 Tidbits About CRM
Would you be surprised to know that customers have changed drastically in the past 10 years? Here’s a taste of 10 tidbits about the CRM:
- CRM refers to the tools used to store detailed information about current and prospective customers.
- Dealers can use this to make effective, targeted communication with customers.
- Dealers must be segmented in CRM to reach potential customers with relevant product deals.
- Effective and targeted communication helps build a personal relationship with the customer, instead of sending out a mass email that most will ignore.
- It also leads to money saved on advertising and marketing because dealers will know which customers to target with the right results.
- Many dealers rely on their OEM’s database to be their functioning CRM for marketing communications, but CRM’s will give you better, organized information.
- CRM tools are very effective in storing data about current customers so they can contact them on a regular basis and predict future sales.
- It also could develop the function to track contact information from walk-in traffic, emails, internet traffic and customer phone calls and cultivate those relationships.
- CRM utilizes any information the customer gives you into something useful for a future encounter.
- CRM is a critical component of businesses moving into the digital future.
To learn more about these tidbits and how they can help your dealership, Read our FREE eGuide, “Leading-Edge Industry Says CRM is Your MVP.”
That’s the kind of actionable information you get through this FREE eGuide – all in-depth analysis presented in clear, straightforward language that makes it very easy to follow and understand.
Not only will they be easy to understand and follow, they’ll be applicable to you in every part of your dealership business. No matter how long you’ve been a dealer, this detailed eGuide will provide insight into an area you haven’t paid attention to before. You’ll get deeper insight into these vital areas:
- Buyers feel betrayed if dealerships don’t take a personal interest in what they want or need. Understanding your customers is key.
- The shotgun approach to marketing – sending out mass marketing to everybody – can hurt the perception of your dealership.
- The ‘zero moment of truth’ – the customer’s research and phase– is a crucial step in their buying process.
- A dealerships webpage must answer any questions a potential customer might have during the research process.
- Low response rates from dealerships can hurt customer-relationships.
For every question that you consider with customer-relationships, you’ll always find a useful bit of information that can help strengthen current customers and attract new ones.
Takeaways to elevate your customer-relationship management to the next level
In addition to the wealth of knowledge this in-depth, 17-page eGuide delivers, it also provides practical and actionable takeaways you can use immediately:
- Make sure each page on your website is engaging for customers.
- The most pertinent information should appear above the ‘fold.’ The fold is the part of the website that is below what appears on the screen initially.
- The messages and information on your website must be compatible with smart phones because an increasing number of shoppers are using mobile devices.
These are just some of the takeaways you’ll find by downloading this FREE eGuide and reviewing it with a cup of morning coffee.
Here’s a few more…
- Make sure the operator of your dealership is not overloaded so customers can contact with ease.
- Eliminate unexpected transfers to voice mail.
- Always have a salesperson available to answer phones, even during meetings or other activates.
And that’s just the beginning. Take these informational bits and more to make your customer-relationships even more of a resounding success.
By now I’m sure you see the value of this carefully-prepared eGuide and what this knowledge could do for your customer-relationship growth. Nobody who wants to be a successful dealer should overlook it! And because you’ve taken the time to read this, you’re clearly the person who values how to bolster, broaden and benefit by using CRM to build and strengthen your customer base.
This also means you’re exactly the kind of person we hope to reach with “Leading-Edge Industry Says CRM is Your MVP.” You’re the “in-the-know” dealer who plans on enhancing and improving your dealership for years to come.
Regardless of whether you’re brand new to the dealership business or invested 20 years, what better way to continue to evolving than with this comprehensive, authoritative – FREE – eGuide?
Do you want to learn more about how to strengthen and grow your customer base?
Do you have a complete knowledge of everything new about customer buying habits?
Are you prepared with a fully functional website that will attract new age buyers?
Then download this free eGuide right now, and get started. The minute you do, you start the momentum toward great customer-relationships and a stronger dealership business.
Yours for a better dealership business,

Dave Kanicki, Executive Editor
Dave is the Executive Editor of Farm Equipment, and the Editor/Publisher of Ag Equipment Intelligence and related properties.
PS: Did you know that customer buying habits have changed dramatically post-Internet.
PSS: If potential customers receive any information about products outside of what they’re actually interested in, they may feel deceived and their perception of your dealership may suffer.
What new insights did you gain? What jumped out at you? Share your observations.