[Webinar] Vertical Tillage: Tool for Today from a Farmer and Agronomist's Perspective

Vertical tillage should be selected based on the specific goals a grower wants to accomplish. Dr. Daniel Davidson, an experienced agronomist, will explore those goals. 

Dr. Davidson is still active on his family's farm located in northeast Nebraska, in addition to being a partner in a small corn, soybean and hay operation near Stanton County, Nebraska.

As an agronomist and farmer Davidson is knowledgeable about aspects of crop production and soil management and spent time studying vertical tillage and testing out different brands on this farm.   

In this webinar, Dr. Davidson takes a closer look at some of the vertical tillage tools currently on the market from various manufacturers. 

From the viewpoint of a farmer and agronomist, here's what you'll learn: 

• How farmers view the different classes of vertical tillage equipment 
• The impact of vertical tillage on the soil and the crop 
• How farmers decide which tool will best meet their needs 

The presentation is followed by a Q&A session. 

This event is FREE. It is brought to you by Summers Manufacturing.

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