Farm Equipment
Industry Outlook: How Does Your Dealership Stack Up?
We often get so busy during the day that we forget how important it is to make adjustments to our business all year long. Think of your dealership like a customer’s bailer that sat all winter. When bailing for the first time in the spring, the bailer starts and bails, but not as well as the end of the previous hay season. Your shop is the same as that bailer. It has been dormant for several months, and now you have started it up and have it working. At the start of the season, your shop seemed to be running fine because the work was flowing in a little at a time — the first cutting was not very heavy. Now with the season in full swing, your shop is loaded with work and you are struggling to keep up with the flow — you now find yourself knee-deep in wet hay.
This is a one-hour workshop in which Bob Clements will walk you through the basics of running a shop and making obscene profits! Bob will walk you through: 1) The critical role of the service manager and the 3 simple steps to having more uninterrupted time every day! 2) How to develop a compensation program that is easy to administer, motivates the techs, improves the quality of work to the customer and drives more profit to the dealerships’ bottom line; and 3) The importance of process and how it will improve your customers’ experience.