Farm Equipment
Lazer-Focused Sales Management
Liberty, MO: Bob Clements International, the leader in dealership training & development, along with KENECT, a company committed to helping businesses grow and succeed through our state-of-the-art business texting platform, will be providing a free, live, webinar entitled 4 Secrets to Improving Service Profitability and Customer Experience.
This event will be held on February 4, 2020 at 1:00pm CST and will take a look at ways to reduce chaos and eliminate the fires that service managers deal with every day, the importance of communicating with the techs before they leave each night, and how to reduce the number of customer contacts while improving the customer experience.
Bob Clements, of Bob Clements International, who will lead the webinar says, “In today’s high-performance service departments, communication is critical for both the profitability of your department and the customer experience that you are striving to create.”
“Top producing shops today understand that communication, whether it is to the techs at the end of the day or the customer as their work is moving through your service process, is critical to maximizing profitability,’ he says. “By integrating processes, training and technology, you can make forward progress in increasing service department profitability. The team at KENECT will be joining us for this webinar to share how today’s technology can also be key in moving your service department to the next level of success.”
Register today for this free webinar. Don't miss this live event February 4, 2020 at 1:00pm CST.
For more information contact or Register now for free!