Data & Forecasts

From the Desk of Dave Kanicki

Optimism or False Hope?

The past month and a half has been interesting for North American agriculture. Numerous positive signals have been showing up in various ag segments almost since the beginning of the year. Their duration hasn’t been long enough to classify them as trends or to build solid confidence in the longer term. I don’t know about you, but I’m ready for a little optimism.
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Why Interseeding Cover Crops is Catching On

Seeding cover crops early enough to get them established before winter often requires interseeding into the existing crop before it’s ready for harvest.
The pursuit of higher crop yields and healthier soils is pointing farmers in the direction of cover crops. The 2015-16 Cover Crop Survey conducted by the Conservation Technology Information Center and Sustainable Agriculture Research & Education revealed that average acres of cover crops per farm have more than doubled over the previous 5 years.
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Cost of Doing Business

How Dealers are Measuring Up

The 2016 Cost of Doing Business study reveals areas where dealers must up their performance to get back to being profitable.
When it comes to unit sales of farm machinery, in the past 5 years North American farm equipment dealers have seen the highest highs and the lowest lows they’ve experienced in the past 3 decades. As sales rose in 2012 and 2013, so did many of the industry’s operational and financial measures. Likewise, as sales began dipping in 2014, these same indicators reflected the industry’s downturn.
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Kim Schmidt
From the Desk of Kim Schmidt

Would TPP Hurt or Help Farm Equipment Dealers?

Last week, President Trump signed an executive order that pulled the U.S. out of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). It’s important to note that while the trade deal had been negotiated, it had never been ratified. While the executive order makes good on Trump’s campaign promises, I find myself wondering if it’s any good for the U.S. ag economy and more specifically farm equipment dealers. The American Farm Bureau Federation would argue it’s not.
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Ag Equipment Intelligence

Economic Indicators Can Help Small Equipment Dealers Track Sales Trends

From cashflow to ordering and managing inventory, intelligently forecasting equipment sales are critical for dealers’ financial planning. Unlike dealerships catering to production farming that can use commodity pricing as a signpost for industry trends, for those specializing in rural lifestyle markets economic indicators are not so clear cut.
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Ag Equipment Intelligence

C&CE Dealers Looking for Another Solid Year in 2017

Nearly half (49%) of dealers who cater to the commercial and consumer-type equipment needs of hobby farmers, large property owners, turf, lawn and landscape contractors, as well as municipalities and parks maintenance customers expect solid revenue growth during 2017. This confident outlook comes on the heels of strong sales years in 2015 and 2016.
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