The National FFA Foundation has appointed Mark Hooper, Director of Marketing at New Holland in North America, to their 2014 Sponsors’ Board. Sponsors’ Board members will be introduced when the 2013 National FFA Convention and Expo convenes in Louisville, Kentucky, starting October 30, 2013.
The National FFA Organization, state FFA associations and local FFA chapters throughout the nation work to develop character and leadership skills in young people. Sponsors’ Board members seek to support these efforts by strengthening existing relationships and developing new partnerships between sponsors and the FFA. Sponsors’ Board members are selected by the National FFA Foundation’s Executive Council to represent a geographical and industry mix of top corporate executives. They serve one-year terms, beginning in October of each year, and may extend their term for up to three years.
Hooper joins the Sponsors’ Board with an extensive background in sales, marketing and dealer development, as well as a history of personal involvement with the FFA. Prior to his enrollment in college, Hooper served as the Maryland State FFA President and was awarded the American FFA degree, one of the organization’s highest honors.
“I know first-hand the importance of the FFA in developing the leaders of tomorrow,” says Hooper. “It’s a privilege to serve on the Sponsors’ Board to help facilitate support of these efforts for the next generation of leaders.”
As Director of Marketing at New Holland, Hooper leads the efforts of the brand communications and product marketing staff, and oversees all marketing functions of New Holland products in North America including brand and product positioning, packaging and pricing strategies, marketing communications and promotions. Hooper holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Agricultural Economics from Virginia Tech, and a Master of Science degree in Agricultural Economics from Purdue University.