Featured Product
Marcrest Mfg.’s Bale Baron was designed to save operators time, while maximizing income. The Bale Baron is a mobile stacking unit that pulls directly behind a baler. This provides for only one pass over the field.
It arranges and ties 21 small bales into one large bale. It is fully automatic and controlled by a PLC computer.
A knotter is used for tying, utilizing the proven double knot system. Hydraulic power is provided by the tractor pulling the Bale Barron.
Closed center hydraulics is required with a minimum of 25 gpm.
Each bale is pushed into the stacking chamber by the sequenced dual hydraulic ram. Three bales create a row, and once the seventh row is complete the Bale Baron’s automated system bundles the bales together.
This large bale can be handled with a loader — eliminating the need for manual labor.
For more information: http://www.balebaron.com/index.php