Charter Software recently released A.I.M., their ASPEN Interactive Mobility solution which allows users of their ASPEN business management system to access important data from smartphones or tablets, including the Nook or Kindle.
Here are some of the uses:
1. Check parts (and their subs) availability for all locations — either from the store floor or from anywhere outside the walls of the dealership. Also gives the ability to do an on-the-fly bin count and update the on hand quantity and bin location (thus updating ASPEN immediately). Other functions: view stock criteria, on order status, general info, etc.
2. Look up customer record with links on various contacts phone to initiate a call and addresses to launch a map. View customer owned equipment for possible trades or for service requirements. Great for field sales people or service reps.
3. Field techs can clock onto open work orders to track 100% of their time. Updates the ASPEN record from the field immediately when they log off.
4. Access bin count lists for doing physical inventory which updates the on hand on the count immediately without the need to key. Use AIM on a mobile scanner to scan the part and bin during physical counts and/or receipting ensures accuracy of part quantities.
5. Look up information about in stock and expected units either from the store floor, outside property, and/or from anywhere outside the walls of the dealership. This allows you to give access to information to outside sales reps without giving them access to the business system.
For more information, contact Jennifer Schmidt or visit Charter Software's website.