- Corn Planted Acreage Up 5% from 2010
- Soybean Acreage Down 1%
- All Wheat Acreage Up 8%
- All Cotton Acreage Up 15%
Corn growers intend to plant 92.2 million acres of corn for all purposes in 2011, up 5% from last year and 7% higher than in 2009. If realized, this will be the second highest planted acreage in the United States since 1944, behind only the 93.5 million acres planted in 2007. Acreage increases of 250,000 or more are expected in Iowa, Kansas, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, and South Dakota. The largest decrease is expected in Texas, down 150,000 acres.
Soybean planted area for 2011 is estimated at 76.6 million acres, down 1% from last year. If realized, the United States planted area will be the third largest on record. Compared with last year, planted acreage declines of 100,000 acres or more are expected in Iowa, Kansas, Mississippi, Nebraska, and Ohio. If realized, the planted area in New York and North Dakota will be the largest on record.
All Wheat
All wheat planted area is estimated at 58.0 million acres, up 8% from last year. The 2011 winter wheat planted area, at 41.2 million acres, is 10% above last year and up 1% from the previous estimate. Of this total, about 29.4 million acres are Hard Red Winter, 8.2 million acres are Soft Red Winter, and 3.7 million are White Winter. Area planted to other spring wheat for 2011 is estimated at 14.4 million acres, up 5% from 2010. Of this total, about
13.6 million acres are Hard Red Spring wheat. Durum planted area for 2011 is estimated at 2.37 million acres, down 8% from 2010.
All cotton plantings for 2011 are expected to total 12.6 million acres, 15% above last year. Upland acreage is expected to total 12.3 million acres, up 14% from 2010. American Pima acreage is expected to total 252,500 acres, up 24% from 2010. Cotton acreage increases are expected in every State. The largest increase, at 548,000 acres, is expected in Texas. Acreage increases of more than 100,000 acres are expected in North Carolina, Georgia, and Mississippi.