High-Quality, Qualified Circulation
BPA-Qualified Job Titles
Corporate & Operating Management
Sales & Marketing
Parts & Service Management
Precision Farming Specialists
Farm Equipment offers you the only third-party-audited circulation (audited by BPA Worldwide) in the market to give you the confidence that your ad is being seen by an attentive audience of key management, sales and other decision makers. We go the extra mile and make the investment in a transparent, audited circulation so you can be certain that your message is being received by your intended target.
Click here to download a PDF our BPA audit.
Communication with both sales and management at dealerships is a key ingredient to successfully retailing ag equipment and services. Over 81% of our circulation fall into the Corporate & Operating Management or Sales & Marketing roles, so rest assured that marketing through Farm Equipment puts you in touch with both the decision makers responsible for determining what brands are carried in the dealerships and the front-line salespeople helping farmers make their equipment choices.
More than 95% of Farm Equipment's circulation is qualified via direct request, ensuring a highly engaged readership for you.
With a controlled, by-request circulation, Farm Equipment is not part of an association add-on membership that readers may or may not read. Our audience requests and looks forward to the best practice strategies we deliver in every issue.