Using Schulte’s Fixed Knife Technology, crop residue is slammed into stationary fixed knives, mounted in strategic positions under the deck of the cutter by free swinging blade sets moving at up to 16,000 feet per minute.
Mounted baffle distribution plates direct the mulched material out of the cutter with an even spread. The remaining shattered stalks or crop residue decompose rapidly because the material is opened to microbes and weathering. The stationary fixed knives are protected by shear bolts, which allow them to pivot when required. The free-swinging blades are each protected individually by slip clutches.
Fixed knives with free swinging updraft bottom blades are to be used in dry material, such as corn, sun flowers, rice, oil seed, cereal crops and grass seed straw. Fixed knives with free swinging flat bottom blades are generally used to cut green material or wet cotton stalks.
Fixed knives can be easily removed to cut green grass, pasture or set aside making the Schulte cutter a multi-purpose tool as compared to traditional flail choppers. Fixed Knife units can also be used in orchard or vineyard prunings to mulch branches.
For more information, contact Hal Carnago at