James Tuschner has spent 30+ years in the Tire Industry, and 10+ years in the Track Industry, focused on the Agricultural & Specialty Markets. His experience includes time spent at Alliance Tire Americas Inc. (first as Marketing Director, then as Director of Business Development) and Denman Tire Corp. He started AG Tire Talk in 2016 www.agtiretalk.com and AG Track Talk in 2020. www.agtracktalk.com



QUESTION: Why is a tire, when run at slower speed, able to carry same load at lower air pressure?

MICHELIN: “The structural integrity of the tire is being compromised, more often as speed increases, and more significantly as air pressure decreases.”

ASCENSO: “The central subject for this question has to do with the law of coefficient of friction- the faster an object moves against another object the more heat is built up, and all tire folks know that heat is the worst enemy of a tire.”

MAXAM: “If the right inflation pressure based on the axle load for a given speed is set, the tire is designed to deflect and absorb the heat, delivering performance and endurance.”

YOKOHAMA TWS: “As tire materials and design technology has improved, the tire international standards organization has recently introduced additional load values when speed is reduced.”

BKT: “At Field Speeds, 5-10 mph, tires can be run with less air pressure to get a longer and wider footprint to better distribute the weight of the tractor and/or implements. This allows for better traction (fuel economy) and less ground-bearing pressure (soil compaction).

PRECISION INFLATION: “By changing tire pressures on the go with CTIS & CFO, tire pressures in sprayer application can be reduced up to 49%.”

Yokohama TWS

Chris Neidert: AG Marketing, Training & Development Manager for Trelleborg & Mitas Tires – North America

Let’s get a little technical!


Pneumatic tires are designed to be flexible and adaptable to the application in which they are operating. Because of the weight they bear, tires sidewalls bulge under load and their treads flatten to increase the contact area and traction as they roll.


This sidewall bulge results in a dimensional difference between the tire’s “unloaded” radius (i.e., between the center of the axle and the top of the tire) and its “loaded” radius (between the center of the axle and the road) called “Static Loaded Radius” (SLR). Engineers call this radial deflection.


Increasing Speed = Higher Frequency Shape Change

When a tire travels on the road or field it rotates and constantly changes its shape between the unloaded radius and the loaded radius form. Increasing the vehicle speed will increase the frequency of this change and cause the tires to deflect at a faster rate. This is an important point to remember to understand the internal chemistry of the tire components.

Hysteresis is Amount of Energy Lost

This involves a term called “hysteresis”. Hysteresis is the percent of energy loss per each deformation. Hysteresis results from friction happening inside the rubber which creates heat build-up. The heat build-up in the rubber is measured as the temperature increases from hysteresis. You want to keep the amount of hysteresis low. With that being written, when a tire is rotating at a slower speed, the deflection cycle is slower allowing the tire more time to cool down when it’s in the less deflected position. In other words, the heat is generated on the bottom part of the tire and the upper portion of the tire cools down. The faster this cycle, the less time the upper part of the tire has to cool down.

Increasing Speed = More PSI Required

Each tire size uses a certain air pressure to carry a specific load at a specific speed. Conversely, when the tire’s speed increases, as in moving from the field to the road, and the air pressure is not increased, the speed of deflection movement increases and the amount of deflection increases. This will build up additional heat in the tire, reducing tire life and possibly creating a tire failure. Tire air pressure must be increased when speed is increased.

Increased Load = More PSI Required

The same will hold true for a load increase. If no air pressure adjustment is made, the amount of deflection increases. Heat buildup happens. Tire failure is possible and tire life is reduced. Tire air pressure must be increased to reduce that deflection. Higher inflation pressure results in a more “stiffer” tire sidewall, less deflection, and less heat buildup.

Road PSI & Field PSI Optimizes Performance

We at Trelleborg & Mitas have always said the ideal situation is to run one air pressure in the field and another air pressure on the road. This will give optimum tire performance and tire life. A Central Tire Inflation System or (CTIS) would accommodate this recommendation with its ability to change air pressure on the fly.

OLD Load Speed Tables

When IF technology was first introduced the decision was made to make the load tables as easy as possible to use. Hence, the load table was designed that no matter what speed you were traveling, one air pressure was recommended. You can see in the below load table, speed did not change on any air pressure recommendations. One air pressure would carry the load no matter the speed. Example – If you needed to carry 18,850 lbs. you would need to run 26 PSI whether your speed was 40 mph or 5 mph which is shown as Field Service Speed


NEW Load Speed Tables

As tire materials and design technology has improved, the tire international standards organization has recently introduced additional load values when speed is reduced. Tires built with IF and VF technology have new expanded load tables.

In our example below, we have the exact same tire but with an expanded load table. The tire load will be the same, 18,850 lbs. Now we can better suggest an air pressure based on the application. We will use an application of doing some slow speed work (5 mph) in a low torque (LT) application.


We can find the 5 mph LT speed. Go across until we find the load 18,850 lbs. We will need to approximate since 18,850 is not exactly shown. Going up the table until we intersect the psi row, we would suggest 20 psi. Quite an air pressure reduction from the 26 psi we would be recommending with the old table.

The reduced air pressure will increase the size of the tire’s footprint, reducing the ground pressure, reducing compaction, and improving yield. Tire performance will be better for the grower.

Michelin Ag

David Graden: Operational Market Manager – Agriculture

Higher Speed = More Air Pressure Required

I would like to start with rephrasing this question to, “Why does a tire require more air pressure at faster speeds?” As a tire rolls, the perfectly circular shape of that tire transforms. The bottom flattens out and rolls over bumps and through divots. As the tire rolls faster, the circular shape transforms to more of an oval or oblong shape. This transformation creates a couple of concerns.

Tire Structural Integrity

First, the structural integrity of the tire is being compromised, more often as speed increases, and more significantly as air pressure decreases. You would think lower air pressure at higher speeds would create a smooth ride; however, it also creates bouncing, which can overload a tire each time downward pressure is applied.

As structural integrity of a tire is compromised more often with higher speed, and the casing is more deflected at lower air pressure, heat increases. In severe cases, underinflated tires at high speeds will cause that tire to fail from the inside out. The radial belts will separate, carcass plies will break and pull apart and the rubber will actually begin to melt.


The second concern is stability of the vehicle. At lower speeds and air pressures, an operator can easily maneuver machinery over bumpy terrain and around obstacles. At higher speeds and lower air pressures, however, it becomes much more difficult for the operator to manage these tasks. Think about a high clearance sprayer. As this top-heavy machine makes a sharp turn, the tires will flex and the machines weight will shift to one side, overloading the tires on that side and possibly failing. If the tires are set to proper inflation pressures, they will be able to handle the weight shift and limit the leaning of this machine to one side.

Slower Speed = More Weight Capacity

Why can a tire carry more load at lower speeds and air pressures? As I mentioned above, a tire deforms more often at higher speeds, creating more heat- the worst enemy of a tire. At lower speeds, the opposite is true, and the structural integrity is better preserved. Simply put, this lack of stress on the tire carcass allows it to carry more load.

Central Tire Inflation System Optimizes Performance

When we consider the daily activities of most farm machines, they aren’t always operated at the same speed or load. This is exactly where Michelin’s PTG, Central Tire Inflation Systems, comes into the picture. We know, for a fact, machines operate much more efficiently at lower air pressures, in the field, and are more stable at higher pressures, while traveling down the road at higher speeds. Unfortunately, I’ve never met a machine operator willing to stop what he/she is doing to change air pressures before each of these activities.

With PTG, Central Tire Inflation Systems, there is no need to manually change air pressures, or even stop the machine, for that matter. With the push of a button, a machine operator can change tire pressures for up to 2 axles and an implement! This technology now enables producers to gain full operational efficiency of their machinery. Full operational efficiency means maximum traction, floatation, fuel efficiency, stability, and rider comfort.

CFO Provides Additional Live Load Capacity

Finally, several years ago, Michelin was one of the first manufacturers to begin designating harvester and sprayer tires with CFO (Cyclical Field Operation) Load Bonus- enabling even heavier loads than standard, at specified slow speeds, for a limited distance.

Look at this Michelin Spraybib, as an example: VF380/90R46 173D CFO (Cyclic Field Operation)

Standard VF: At 6 mph (10 km/h), 12 psi carries 4,795 lbs. for an unlimited distance.

VF CFO: At 9 mph (15 km/h), 12 psi carries a cyclical load of 4,960 lbs. up to 1 mile.

As I mentioned earlier, typically, a tire can carry heavier loads at slower speeds, so why does this example not follow that same rule of thought?

Since the sprayer is getting lighter as herbicide is used, we only need the CFO Tire to carry the load for 1 mile– limiting the amount of times tire deforms. Hence, we can increase the load more than standard temporarily.


Dave Paulk: Manager Field Technical Services

At field speeds, 5-10 mph, tires can be run with less air pressure to get a longer and wider footprint to better distribute the weight of the tractor and/or implements. This allows for better traction (fuel economy) and less ground-bearing pressure (soil compaction).

As speeds increase, the load carrying capacity of the tire decreases. The low air pressures that can be used at field speeds are not the same air pressures that should be used at highway speeds. Higher air pressure must be used to carry the load at a faster speed. The higher air pressures create a smaller footprint for lower rolling resistance on the road.

Using a Load and Index Chart for the tires used is helpful to eliminate possibilities of damaging the tire by overloading and underinflation. The Load and Index Chart gives weight carrying capacities at different speeds and air pressures. Less air pressure equals less soil compaction in the field. As noted, the air pressures must go up for road transport at higher speeds. Currently, to accomplish this, one must reduce air pressure in the field and inflate the tires before taking the tractor on the road. An air compressor is needed to do this. Central Tire Inflation Systems (CTIS) are being developed and will be built into the tractor to perform this function. Air pressures can be reduced in the field and pressures can be increased as needed for the road. This can reduce compaction and increase fuel economy in the field and minimize tire failures on the road. Running a tire with low air pressures at highway speeds creates heat buildup in the tire. It can’t dissipate the heat quick enough over long distances and can lead to ply gap turnup and sidewall separations. An example of a Load and Index Chart is shown. This is for a 480/80R50 159 A8/B.

Standard tires can be used with less air pressure at slower speeds. With the use of IF and VF tires, air pressures can be reduced even more at field speeds. A VF tire will carry 40% more weight at the same air pressure as a standard tire of the same size. At slower speeds, air pressure can be reduced even more to minimize compaction.

As stated, lower air pressures can be used at slower speeds if enough air is used to carry the weight of the tractor and equipment. Proper air pressure for the weight carried (whatever that may be) is required so that the tires are not overloaded. There are times when low air pressure can’t be used. Overloading tires will lead to bead and sidewall failures in the field. An example is sprayers, since at times they run at faster field speeds than tractors and start loaded with liquid. Another example is using a 16-row planter on a 3-point hitch. With the planter down at field speed, air pressure can be reduced. When it gets to the end of the row, the planter must be picked up to turn. This is a lot of weight on the tires with low air pressure. Worst case scenarios should be considered when deciding the correct air pressure for the application.

IF-CFO and VF-CFO tires are used in cyclic applications such as grain carts and combines. CFO is an abbreviation for “Cyclic Field Operation”. These applications start with the hoppers or carts empty and build up weight over time. When they are full, they are dumped and start empty again. Because of this, the weight of the machine is constantly changing. The load is cyclic. For these applications, load bonuses are given at slow speeds (field speeds at 5-10 mph and 10-20 mph) for a specified distance. An example is shown of a 1250/50R32 201B IF-CFO tire used in this application. At 5-10 mph, this tire has a 55% load bonus without changing air pressures. At 10-20 mph, the tires have a 30% load bonus. These factors are not to be used when considering air pressures for tractors. Tractors generally have a constant weight and are not cyclic.

Although sprayers may be considered cyclic, they are cyclic in reverse. Sprayers start heavy and full. As they use the liquid in the tanks, they get lighter. Instead of going from light to heavy like combines and grain carts, they go from heavy to light.

The faster the speed a tire travels, the less weight carrying capacity it has. The slower the speed, the more weight carrying capacity it has. This is true for all tires. This can be seen in the Load Capacity chart above. When deciding how much air pressure to run, always look at the worst-case scenario and use that to decide.

Ascenso Tires North America

Nick Phillippi: Product Manager / Technical Support North America

I am not a physicist, and the deep mathematical calculations and presentations are for others to give. But as a tire person, the central subject for this question has to do with the law of coefficient of friction. The faster an object moves against another object the more heat is built up, and all tire folks know that heat is the worst enemy of a tire.

The load, air, speed ratings of tire are set based on maximum speed, maximum load and maximum air. The slower the operation is, as compared to the maximum speed rating of the tire, the tire handles more weight safely. Now, as always, all tire data is based on (1) tire in new condition, (2) Wheel in new condition, (3) Equipment in new condition, (4) Surface flat and free of obstacles, (5) No extreme ambient or surface temperature. In short, the end user and tire service professional need to be aware of any of these factors that may impact the ability of the tire to operate safely.

VF tires are being used more and more in lower speed or variable speed settings, requiring the new load charts to give direction on capacity at lower speeds and in intermittent speeds/loads. As more and more VF tires are produced and more data is available in the market on performance, along with more testing being conducted, it has given reason to create the new charts and to be sure existing and past load index charts were accurate.

Central Inflation Systems are an absolute necessity to get tires operating at the proper and lowest pressure possible to minimize compaction and meet optimum Fuel vs Slip. Although CTIS today only uses the measured worst case scenario weight to adjust the air in the tire from Road to Field, not taking into consideration live load changes, it is so much better than any chance producers will adjust pressure from Field to Road, or even between pieces of equipment.

Maxam Tire International

Greg W. Gilland: Vice President Global Agriculture

Radial Superiority

In a previous article, we covered the differences between radial and bias tire construction. In summary, the primary difference between radial tires and bias ply tires is in the tire carcass, as well as the material construction of the tire.

The key difference between the two types of construction is how the radial tire uses the “single” radial casing as a “spring mechanism” that pushes the working belts onto the working surface, ensuring a uniform “contact patch” or contact area for the tire tread. This delivers both the necessary traction and friction, carrying the required load in any direction under power. The improved footprint and traction delivered by radial tires has accelerated the adoption of radial tires as the primary construction type on both new and older agricultural equipment. With the performance advantage created by the radial casing, the air pressure in the chamber takes on a larger part of the load carrying capacity, moving from 60% to 80% of the axle load carrying capability:

The radial advantage is delivered by the air pressure in the inner chamber that fluctuates per the given axle load, whether mounted as a single tire, dual, or triple fitment. All tires are a compromise, as well between load and speed, radial casings and rubber compounds have been enhanced over time. This allows the tires to operate at higher speeds and absorb the heat generated by the friction of the road versus a given axle load. Over the last 20 years, we have seen radial tires evolve from the traditional dual speed rating of A8 = 25 MPH / B = 30 MPH to a “D” Rating = 40 MPH capability as the market demands and requires faster capabilities. In every case, the rubber compounds, as well as casing materials must be engineered to not only carry the loads but have the endurance to deflect or flex up/down as the tire absorbs the energy generated by both load and speed.

Heat is Biggest Threat to Tire Failure

The biggest threat to tire failure is excessive heat generation caused by overload or overspeed. Overload occurs when tires are underinflated for the axle load. Whereas overspeed failures occur when tires are either overloaded (not enough air pressure) for the rated speed or operated above their speed rating, increasing the friction coefficient of the tire rubber compounds. As a rule, the key to load bearing capability is the correlation between the actual weight being carried and the machinery speed. If the tire inflation pressure is set to the right inflation pressure based on the axle load for a given speed, the tire is designed to deflect and absorb the heat, delivering performance and endurance.

Slower Speed = More Weight Capacity

If you slow the machinery speed without changing the air pressure in the chamber (already at a higher pressure), the air in the chamber allows for heavier loads to be carried as heat generation caused by the friction or tire flexing is reduced dramatically, this reduces the heat in the inner chamber that is normally generated between the air molecules. In all cases, tire manufacturers abide by industry standards that reference principles of temperature and air pressure to determine the optimal speed, weight bearing capability, and resulting heat generation for a given tire size air chamber.

If you choose to lower the air pressure, then the load being carried must be measured so that the correct lower air pressure for that given speed is identified, thus allowing the air molecules in the chamber to heat up without overheating the tire.

IF / VF Advantage

The advent of IF or VF Technology has allowed some of the above rules to be re-written, transferring back to the casing materials a greater share of the load carrying technology. For agricultural tires, whether using IF or VF technology tires, farmers can either significantly lower air pressure without compromising the carrying capacity of the tire or increase the weight carried with the same tire footprint (same gross flat plate). Both technologies allow farmers to achieve better yields or greater productivity in the field with heavier or faster machinery. Specifically, VF tire technology construction uses different casing and rubber materials to achieve the benefits mentioned earlier, by delivering the product solutions below in comparison to the standard tire construction:

VF tires provide the greatest load carrying or axle load capacity at standard air pressures as needed.

When operated at -40% air inflation pressures, VF tires will reduce soil compaction improving crop yields.

VF tires are designed to operate safely with a higher heat resistance of the casing despite -40% lower air pressure.

The ability to lower air pressures also improves the ride and with a greater contact patch (or flotation) as traction improves.

VF tire pressures, when operating at -40% air inflation, also greatly enhance both traction and stability when on slope fields.

The above conditions are matched on IF technology tires except the benefits are only 20% greater than standard tires.

The growing use of “On-Board” Tire Inflation or Central Inflation Systems technology has created a feedback loop adjustment tool supplied by the machinery that is connected to the tires. This includes the capability to inflate or deflate the tires as needed based on the required speed or working axle load demand. On-board or Central tire inflation systems receive data from either an RFID or sensor tag, located by wheel position on the machinery and gives the operator the capability to adjust the tire inflation pressure in real time and as needed without having to stop the machinery. Whether working in the field at slow speeds or transporting the machinery (roading) from field to field at higher speeds, the ability to adjust the tire air pressures as needed can ensure the following benefits:

Reduced ground compaction as tire load is based on the actual load per axle or per tire as needed.

Greater crop yields as the compaction impact on the soil is minimized by the improved tire footprint.

Improved tire wear and reduced sidewall deflection giving the optimum tire gross flat plate or footprint.

Improved fuel efficiency as the tire is optimized for each work application or towed implement.

Greater productivity in the field as the tire’s footprint and traction provide increased efficiency.

Precision Inflation Systems

Ken Brodbeck: VP of Technology

Why Can a Tire Carry More Load at Slower Speeds?

Usually, the tire’s toughest condition is being run at its maximum load and speed.

A tire’s tread and sidewalls flex rolling through the footprint. Internal friction from flexing creates heat. Tire temperatures can easily go above 200 degrees F and start to cause the rubber to revert or become gooey. Then the tire can fail.

The slower the tire goes, the less heat is generated, and a higher load can be carried without overheating.

Michelin now offers higher cyclic loads for sprayer tires up to 20 mph field speeds.


A VF 420/95R50 179D/175E:

  1. VF is an Ultra High Flex Tire that provides a large, long footprint with heavy loads, carrying same weight at 40% less air pressure than standard tire.
  2. At 55 psi, the tire will carry 16,570 lb. at 40 mph
  3. At 20 mph the tire will carry 18,740 lbs. Or + 13.5% over the 40 mph load

A 1200 gallon sprayer with 28% fertilizer has the following loads per tire in road & field configuration.


Roading, 40 mph loads (Folded Boom)

Front lbs.     psi    Rear lbs. psi

13,400         39       12,000    30

Field, 40 mph loads, (Unfolded Boom)

Front lbs.     psi     Rear lbs.  psi

10,200         25       15,200     47

Without changing tire pressure,the required psi is

  • F = 39 psi & R=47 psi


By changing tire pressures on the go with CTIS, up to 20 mph, air pressure can be reduced!

Field, CFO 20 mph loads (Unfolded Boom)

Front lbs.     psi     Rear lbs.     psi

10,200        20       15,200        39

Changing tire pressure with CTIS, accommodating load and speed change, the required psi is

  • F = 20 psi & R=39 psi

By changing tire pressures on the go with CTIS & CFO, Up to 20 mph, front tires only need 20 psi.

UP TO 49% PSI Decrease

No CTIS & No CFO > Required psi,F = 39 psi & R= 47 psi

With CTIS & CFO, F= 20 psi & R= 39 psi

PSI Reduction of, F= -19 psi & R= -8 psi

Mindful, air pressure reduction directly correlates to reduced soil compaction, using slower speed tables with CTIS provides:

  • Increased Yield
  • Reduced Fuel Consumption
  • Increased Efficiency

All information is provided solely to provoke thought. All deductions made from information must be confirmed by Certified Ag Tire Dealer & Tire Manufacturer before use. Ag Tire Talk does not recommend anyone conduct tire service work with exception of Certified Ag Tire Dealer Professionals.

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