Listing on online auctions can be a great way to sell items quickly and easily. These auctions provide a large audience of potential buyers, which can increase the chances of a sale. Can your dealership do anything with the good tires on your lot to make money? Are you optimizing your listing to stand out? Are there trends or places you should explore?
This webinar is brought to you by Farm Equipment magazine and Dawson Tire & Wheel.
Email Kim Schmidt at Farm Equipment with any questions about the webinar.
About the Speakers
- John Elder is the Director of Sales and Marketing for Dawson Tire & Wheel, overseeing the overall sales and marketing strategy and growth. Prior to Dawson, John spent 20+ years in the Ag equipment industry with two of the largest manufacturers in sales, product development, and sales management. He holds a bachelor's degree in Ag Engineering from Clemson University. He was born and raised in North Carolina and now resides in Omaha, Nebraska.
- Preston Parmley has joined the TreadSure team as the Product & Sales Manager. He graduated from the University of Nebraska – Lincoln with a degree in Mechanized Systems Management. Preston first “caught the bug” for agriculture while working on his uncle’s cattle operation and became passionate about emerging technologies during his time with the UNL-AIRE drone research program. After college, Preston started his career with Valley Irrigation as a part of the Product Management Team focusing on irrigation controls technology where he acted as Product Manager for several new development projects and product releases.
- Ted Schepmann, Director of Auctions with Fastline Marketing Group