Repair Done Right is a campaign created by the North American Equipment Dealers Association (NAEDA) to change the narrative on Right to Repair. The main part of the campaign is a training platform providing dealer personnel a foundational understanding of what the Right to Repair issue is and how our industry is supporting customer repair.
The idea for Repair Done Right grew out of dealer demonstrations held around the country for legislators and stakeholders to show what our industry does to support customer repair. Dealers who participated in those demonstrations overwhelmingly agreed it would be beneficial if all of their employees had the chance to attend a demonstration to better understand the Right to Repair issue and all the positive things a dealer does to support customers.
Branded Training
Taking that advice, NAEDA worked with manufacturers to create branded training that condensed those dealer demonstrations into video modules presenting information in a concise and easily understood format with testing to ensure retention of key information.
Marketing Materials
In addition to the training component, NAEDA has generated numerous Repair Done Right downloadable marketing materials available directly to dealers once you sign up. These digital and print materials represent a positive perspective on the Right to Repair issue and can be used in the dealership to show customers how dealers are committed to increasing their uptime and supporting their repair.
Repair Done Right is not only a training and marketing campaign, it also supports our advocacy efforts to defeat misguided and harmful Right to Repair legislation. First, by educating the industry and customers about the reality of the repair landscape we can shift perception of the issue.
Secondly, state and federal legislators and regulators want to know that our Industry Commitment to support customer repair is not superficial. By aggregating training hours through the Repair Done Right campaign, we can show concretely that we take that voluntary commitment seriously and legislation is unwarranted.
Finally, the information that we obtained from industry surveys conducted has played a significant role in fighting back against Right to Repair proponent's arguments.
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