moveero’s high-speed Profi-Flex Tractor Wheel addresses the issues of run-out that can occur on manually adjustable track wheels when used on high-speed applications.
To suit different operational requirements, manually adjustable wheels enable the disc to be moved to change the track settings. In these circumstances, it is vital that when it is refitted, the disc is not rotated and the alignment is not altered, as this could have a significant impact on run-out. To address this issue, moveero’s Profi-Flex Wheel incorporates integrated centring pins in the spacers, guaranteeing that the disc and rim are correctly re-aligned when wheel track settings are being changed. This solution uses a single alignment pin which ensures that the disc must be re-fitted in the correct position when the track spacing has been changed.
Profi-Flex ensures that whenever the track setting is changed, the disc is replaced in the correct alignment with the wheel and that the correct tolerances are maintained. A ‘Poka Yoke’ solution ensures that the wheel cannot be assembled incorrectly.
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