Farm Equipment
Lazer-Focused Sales Management
Equipment shortages, high farm profitability, and commodity market swings... Used equipment prices have never been this volatile! In this webinar, Iron Comps shares the latest price and volume trends for tractors and combines over these past six months. Specifically breaking down the data by geography so you can discover what is relevant in your territory. Help improve trade-in values and profitability with insight into real-time equipment values and current trends by being able to break down the highest value equipment categories by price, volume, geography, and make/model options.
Specific topics covered:
Email Kim Schmidt at Farm Equipment with any questions about the webinar.
Kyle McMahon routinely shares industry-leading farm equipment trends at speaking events across the country. As CEO of Tractor Zoom Mr. McMahon directs his team's collection of data from over 75% of US farm auction sales and the sharing of this information, in the product Iron Comps, to over 400 dealer locations across North America.