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A former executive who rose through management and leadership positions, Hetterick went from working the parts counter at a farm equipment dealer right out of college, to serving as the CEO of an 11 location dealership at the age of 35.
Developing and training your people are two different things, with two different purposes. Hetterick, now the head coach with Harvesting Potential, says training plays a significant part in development, however training is usually in the management spectrum. It focuses on financial metrics, business processes, a technical skill, the employees role, and completed in a one size fits all approach. Everyone in the training gets the same content no matter where they are in their development or their level of experience.
“I have experienced this first hand and heard it said many times ‘I sent my people to train- ing and they returned and no meaningful impact occurred,’” Hetterick says.
This is where the difference in training and development exist, and how leadership ties into the equation.
The only way to sustainably grow the leadership levels of you or your organization is to establish a culture of development and growth. Development is based on developing the person, it isn’t a program that…