1. Market and Customer Orientation
- Customer Share vs. Market Share
- Customer Needs vs. Customer Wants
- Customer Profiles
- Key Account Marketing
- Target and Segmented Marketing
- Field Marketers or Retail Sales Consultants vs. Order Takers
2. Ability to Change
- Necessary Changes
- Focus on Profitability rather than Market Share
- Focus on Positive Cash Flow rather than Paper Profits
- Focus on Return on Assets; or Return on Equipment Gross Margin
- Replace Order Takers with Field Marketers
- Focus on Turnover versus Gross Margin
3. Strategic Focus
- Formulate a Hierarchy of Objectives
- Solicit Employee Input
- Tie Employee Evaluations and Incentives to Objective Attainment
4. Values & Standards
- Expect the Best
- Demand the Best
- Don’t Apologize for Standards
5. Rituals & Ceremonies
- Supports Values
- Establish Recognition Programs
- Top Salesperson & Highest Margin Salesperson
- Top “Conquest” Salesperson
6. Concern for People
- Genuine Concern for Employees
- Customers Treated Like Kings and Queens
- Participatory or Collaborative Management Philosophy
7. Rewards & Punishments
- Rewards Proportionate to Performance
- Rewards Tied to Attainment of Objectives
- Reprimands Should Be Immediate
- “One-Minute Manager”
8. Open Communications
- Encourage Employees to Vocalize Concerns
- Initiate a Suggestion Box
- Facilitate Weekly, Monthly and Quarterly Meetings
- Understand and Appreciate Various Communication Styles
9. Conflict Resolution
- Constructive Conflict is Positive
- “Us Against the Problem” rather than “Me vs. You”
10. Esprit De Corps
- Pride and Excitement
- Dealership Social Functions
11. Commitment
- Commonality of Purpose
- Mission/Vision
- Stretch Objectives
12. Teamwork
- Characteristics of an Effective Team
- There is a Clear Purpose
- The Climate is Relaxed and Informal
- Everyone is Encouraged to Participate
- Effective Listening Techniques are Utilized
- Constructive Conflict is Encouraged
- Decisions are Based on Input
- Communications are Open and Two-Way
- Roles are Clear and Unambiguous
- Team Members are Diverse
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