BOTKINS, Ohio — Koenig Equipment is excited to announce the company-wide offering of its Mobile Response Team, a fleet of mobile, agricultural service technicians ready to serve ag customers when and where they need it.
“We have spent the previous planting and harvesting seasons piloting the service at a few of our stores,” said Matt McConnell, Director of Product Support at Koenig Equipment, “which gave us the opportunity to perfect the process for this season. Our technicians are ready to come to you, in the field, in order to minimize downtime and keep you running during this busy time of year.”
The Koenig Mobile Response Team consists of certified technicians with fully equipped service trucks to ensure customers receive the quality service they need right in the field. With the Mobile Response option, Koenig Equipment can offer faster response times due to more technicians ready to serve customers, the convenience of not needing to bring equipment to the shop, and the quality service provided by a collective 306 years of technician experience.
Requesting service from the Mobile Response Team is easy. Simply call the Service Department at your local Koenig location, or schedule service online via the dealership's website, and request that the technician comes to you. The Mobile Response Team dispatchers will then find the technician best equipped to meet each customer’s needs and send them to the designated service location.