This page lists material that supplements the January 2021 issue of Farm Equipment.

Our Dealer Story: Titan Machinery

In this episode of the Farm Equipment podcast, “Our Dealer Story," we're joined by Dave Kanicki, who prior to retiring from Farm Equipment at the end of October, sat down to talk with David Meyer, CEO and chairman of Titan Machinery.

Ag Equipment Intelligence’s Dave Kanicki Retires from Lessiter Media

Executive editor Dave Kanicki gives his last farewells in his retirement note after being with Lessiter Media (formerly Lessiter Publications) since 2005.

A supplement to "Ag Equipment Intelligence's Dave Kanicki Retires from Lessiter Media" on page 52

How Dealers Can Use ROI to Sell More than Farm Equipment

Defining Dealer-Customer Relationships of the Future with Dollars & Sense

  • Data-driven decision making and a ‘CFO mentality’ among next-generation farmers creates both opportunity and obstacles for dealerships. Find out how here.

Letting Math — Not Emotion — Drive Precision Purchasing Decisions

  • Creation of an ROI calculator, equipment optimization packages and a relationship-first approach to converting customer sales combine to put AgriVision Equipment’s precision business on an innovative path.

Putting Real Numbers into AgriVision’s ROI Calculations

  • Jamie Brand, business development manager for AgriVision Equipment, says a key part of the ROI calculations the dealership provides to customers is taking into account the cost of ownership. One example, was comparing the value of a standard ExactEmerge planter vs. one with the newest technology, along with seeding costs and yield increases. 

Supplements to "Follow the Numbers Using ROI to Sell More Iron" on page 30

Farm Equipment Multimedia

Farm Equipment offers an extensive multimedia collection of content, including industry interviews, conference coverage, and new products, as well as informational webinars, podcasts, product reviews and more!

Farm Equipment’s Best of the Web

Each day, Farm Equipment editors encounter a variety of articles, social media posts, podcasts and videos that offer a unique look at various aspects of our great farm machinery industry. We’re now aggregating our favorite content for “Best of the Web This Week” to share with you.