Great Plains' Terra-Max Hybrid Tillage System uses a blend of vertical and conventional tillage methods or tools that allow for an aggressive field pass at faster operating speeds. The Terra-Max is a versatile soil management solution that can be used as primary and secondary tillage to address a wide variety of needs from killing weeds and sizing residue to preparing a perfect seedbed.
Offered in 20-40 foot models, the Terra-Max is designed to perform variable-intensity tillage with adjustable front and rear coulter gangs. The front gangs adjust from 0 to 8 degrees, while the rear coulter gangs adjust proportionally from 0 to 6 degrees for adaptability in ever-changing soil conditions. With the Terra-Max, producers have the ability to create the ideal seedbed with a high-quality finish; level soils, remove ruts, and bury residue; and control resistant weeds – all with one tool. The unique TurboSpeed blade will provide producers with an impressive tillage result.
The Terra-Max is offered with the optional Implement Command system, allowing producers to set, adjust and monitor the unit from the tractor cab. Implement Command is ISO-compatible and works with the tractor’s existing virtual terminal. The Great Plains Terra-Max is ideal for producers who are looking for a versatile tillage solution to address a wide variety of needs in both fall and spring field conditions.
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