• Are You Ready for the 2nd Machine Age (April 2014) - Horsepower is increasing but information technology is increasing exponentially. Those who appreciate the speed of change and can adapt will harness the power to their benefit.
• Building an Interconnected, Knowledge-Based Dealership (July/Aug 2012) - As your customers leverage Precision Farming, profitable dealerships are using Knowledge Based Products and Services, and to interconnect applications among their communications devices
• Using Technology to Connect & Collaborate - (January 2014) - Five specific examples of how innovative dealers use technology demonstrate the benefits of Connection and Collaboration.
• Technology to Exceed Customer Expectations - (Oct/Nov 2013) - Actual examples of how dealers are using leading edge technology to make their customer's work easier - and their own.
• Make Your DBS (Dealer Business System) More Productive (Jan 2013) - Examines why DBS are underutilized, and how to improve productivity with no additional investment.
• Upgrade Your Fleet Management Technology (Sept 2012) - Real life examples and software for better asset management, security and employee productivity.
• Are You Using Your Business Software Profitably? (June 2012) - In all Departments for Faster and More Efficient Communication, in Service to reduce Work in Process, and in Parts for faster Inventory Turns and Improved Fill Rates.
• Technology to Exceed Customer Expectations (Oct/Nov 2013) –
• Using Technology to Sell Technology - Profitably (March 2012) - First in a 'Technology for Profits' articles series which will show bottom line benefits of selling technology.
• Fight Technology with Technology - But with a Personal Touch - (Oct 2014) - How to compete vs. on-line competitors. 1) Use your own ‘disrupting’ technology, 2) Create a WOW experience, 3) Decode what your customers really want.
• Technology at the Intersection of People and Business (February 2014) - How to use technology to compensate of the learning disabilities common to many Technicians or the Attention Deficit Disorder typical of some Sales Reps.